Episode 26 | Furthest at five inches apart

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Em was lying in her bed, her heart racing. Nothing had ever gotten her so exited and yet so scared as this before.

It had taken her a while to recover from her initial disbelief that Prince had been in love with her for so long and now she was just trying to wrap her head around it.

Obviously, she was happy. She was in love with him too, although she'd only realized recently that that's what her feeling for him had been. But, at the same time, she was uncontrollably nervous.

Maybe Prince hadn't know February 14 was Valentine's day and he'd just happened to have found a cool dagger he wanted to give her. Or maybe he'd just thought of the human holiday as an excuse to give a friend a gift.

No, neither of those were right. She was sure he'd known what he was doing when he gave her the dagger all those years ago.

The water ghoulette couldn't keep her mind from wandering, imagining what she would do once he got back. She wanted to go to him, to tell him that she loved him too, to let him hold her as they finally admitted their feelings for each other.

But would that be too sudden? Should she slow it down and ease him into it? Yeah, that sounded better.

Maybe she could go to him and just start by asking how the hunt had gone, try to make him comfortable with some small talk before dropping the bomb on him. Or maybe she could try to make herself seem upset, so she had an excuse to have sought out his comfort.

Either way, she needed to take it slow. He was probably stressed or tired after his hunt, so throwing her love on him out of nowhere was definitely not a good idea.

Em closed her eyes. Her mind was wandering again, but not to what she wanted to say to Prince once he got back. What she wanted to do to him.

She'd thought of asking him to do those things with her for a while, fantasized about exactly what she wanted him to do to her, but always decided better of it.

Despite the confident and flirty persona he always put on, she'd learnt from countless conversations with Bismuth, back when he and Prince were still mates, that Prince was the least dominant person to ever exist. He liked to be pampered and showered with praise and told how good he was making someone feel. He liked letting himself be controlled and told what to do, which meant Bismuth's hypnosis worked absolute wonders on him.

Em wined, her tail flicking under the covers as she imagined all the things Bismuth could have made him do. One of her hands trailed slowly down her body, strocking over the smooth fabric of her dress and reaching up her skirt. She didn't often like to play with herself, especially when she knew she could just go to one of the other Rogues for some relief, but there were times when a certain thought or fantasy would just make her want some time alone to indulge herself in whatever imaginary scenario she'd thought up.

She imagined Prince on his knees, his gorgeous mismatched eyes reflecting a  hypnotic purple glow as he was eased into a trance. She imagined Bismuth forcing him into obedience, teasing him with gentle touches as he reinforced his control over the shadow ghoul's mind.

Em allowed her mind to play through the filthy scene she'd created as she gently slid her hand into her underwear, strocking her clit. Fuck, she was soaked.

With every image of Prince's ruined body as his mind melted away into nothing but what he was instructed to do that played out in her head, Em increased her pressure, eventually sliding her other hand down to tease her entrance. She wanted him so badly, she wanted his body and his mind all to herself.

The quiet click of the door to the lair opening caught her attention and she immediately stopped, sitting up in bed to hear who it was.

And, sure enough, Poppy and Prince's voices echoed out around the lair.

Em slid out of bed slowly, completely forgetting what she'd just been doing. Her mind was back on her dilemma now, how she would admit her feeling to Prince.

She waited a little longer till she heard the doors to all of their rooms close before carefully opening hers to pear out. She paused, seeing Bismuth sliding into the spare room Prince had been assigned to. She tilted her head, a little confused as to why he was even still awake before pushing the thought to the side and creeping out of her room towards Prince's.

Her gentle feet barely made a sound against the wooden floor as she approached, ensuring she wouldn't wake anyone else up.

The water ghoulette nocked quietly on the door, waiting for a moment before hearing Bismuth's voice inviting her in and slowling creeping into the room.

She glanced over at the small couch Bismuth was sat on, suddenly noticing Prince curled up in his arms. The shadow ghoul was already fast asleep, his arms draped over Bismuth's shoulders and his tail wrapped tight around the bigger ghoul's leg.

Em tilted her head again, stunned that Prince had managed to fall so soundly asleep so quickly. "Is he alright?"

Bismuth smiled up at her. "He's fine, just tired. Poor thing really thought he could handle a hunt after the shit Santos and his bitches put him through."

Em frowned. How had she almoust forgotten about that? Prince was still mentally and physically recovering from the torture he'd endured, this absolutely wasn't the right time to throw her love at him.

Bismuth gently scooped Prince up into his arms, carrying him over to the bed and settling him down on the soft mattress. Other than a few quiet groans, the shadow ghoul didn't react at all, simply lying there as the covers were draped over him and the light switched off.

Em moved to stand beside the bed, watching Prince intently as if she expected him to wake up.

He was so enchanting when he slept, his soft black hair falling over his face and his tail still swaying slowly under the covers. How was he so perfect?

"We really ought to let him sleep." Bismuth whispered, already standing by the door and waiting for her. "You may want to back up incase you wake him and he panics and tryes to attack you."

"Huh?" Em turned her head to Bismuth momentarily confused.

"Dude, you're like five inches away from his face." He chuckled quietly.

Em glanced back at Prince, suddenly realizing she'd subconsciously leaned in towards him. Shit, had she seriously almoust kissed him goodnight without meaning to?

Bismuth smiled. "And I can feel his underlying emotions through our bond. He's definitely still stressed enought that he'd try to kill you if he woke up to you right there in front of him."

Em winced, feeling his words like a stab to her heart. How could she possibly have forgotten their bond? Prince and Bismuth's bond hadn't fully faded yet, and some never did. She was trying to get with a ghoul who was more connected to his past lover than he was with her.

"Right...yeah, we should go." She whispered, slowly moving away from him and joining Bismuth by the door.

She felt numb, the night hadn't gone at all like she'd planned it to, all because she somehow hadn't remembered the connection Bismuth and Prince still shared. It wasn't just their bond, they saw eachother as family. How had she not expected Bismuth to want to check on Prince when he came back from his hunt? She'd never have gotten a moment alone with him.

She and Bismuth walked back to their rooms in silence, briefly saying goodnight before leaving eachother alone.

Em sank to the floor, leaning against her door as she replayed all of her thoughts to herself before he'd arrived. Every reminder to take it slow, every eager thought of what his reaction to her confession would be, even the dirty senerios she now felt sick for even imagining.

She'd just wanted a sweet evening where she could finally admit to Prince that she loved him and all she'd gotten instead was a reminder that Bismuth was and was always going to be more important to Prince than her. He was Prince's family, the one he shared a faint bond with and the only one who he seemed to trust enough to be himself around. After all, not once had Em seen the softer, less dominant side of him that Bismuth would talk of so much. The side that would want to go to her, to tell her that he loved her too, to let her hold him as they finally admitted their feelings for each other.

Strange how she'd felt closer to him than she ever had before when she'd been waiting for him to return from his hunt, and furthest at five inches apart.

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