Episode 12 | Apology

12 1 7

The week had started off alright: Poppy had arranged for Sunshine to share her room during her stay, Em had let her relax in the pool with her and she'd noticed almoust instantly the tension between the water ghoulette and Prince. Despite the expectations of rebel ghouls and law breakers, the Rogues acted almoust exactly like her pack back at the ministry. It was sweet to see how they messed with each other, always teasing - or flirting in Poppy's case. They were so normal and yet their presence on Earth seemed so wrong.

The group had just arrived back at the Nest, which had been the name they'd given to their cave, after a quick dinner at Aquaika. Sunshine had gotten much more closely acquainted with Trudy Judy and it had honestly helped her to better understand why she'd kept them a secret for so long. After all, she was really just a random human.

Sunshine headed back to Poppy's room to get ready for bed but a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her in a different direction. She glanced up to see Bismuth leading her towards his room instead and she tilted her head in confusion. Once she was in, Bismuth closed the door and she finally asked him why he'd just done that.

Bismuth sighed, "I'm...I'm really sorry, for everything. Had I not made you forget everything before making that promise to keep us secret, you would have remembered their punishment and known better than to try." Sunshine sat down on the end of his bed, listening to his rambling as he tryed to apologize. "I didn't mean for you to get in that much trouble. I really am sorry. I-Is there any way I can make it up to you? Or just prove how sorry I am?"

Sunshine thought on it for a moment before a devilish thought entered her mind. She smirked and glanced up at him.

Making sure he was fully focused on her and never breaking eye contact, she spread her legs slightly and saw the purple fire burning in his eyes in response. "I find the best way to apologize to me...is by showing me just how sorry you are." A subtle growl escaped him and he couldn't seem to take his eyes away from hers. "How about making me feel good to prove it, huh?"

Bismuth stepped over to her slowly, their eye contact never faltering. "Sounds good to me." He paused for a moment, clearly getting an idea of his own. "Would you mind if I try something with you? Something I think you known from experience feels amazing once your in."

His eyes glowed and Sunshine recognised his hypnotic glance instantly, the one he'd used on her the night he'd sculpted her mind and made her vulnerable to his commands. She felt herself throbbing at just the thought and the low growl she let out was more than enough to let Bismuth known she was all for it.

A small smile bled through his steady expression before he approached further, stopping right in front of her with that gorgeous glow in his eyes. They were in the exact same position as last time, with him stood before her and her sat down, about to be completely at his mercy.

"I'm going to use the same induction as last time. I could tell you enjoyed that one, didn't you?" The grin in his voice made her shiver and she tryed to maintain eye contact. "Just listen to my voice and let the rest of the world fade away."

For his first few commands and statement, she felt the same as she did during a regular conversation. She wasn't sure if maybe it took a moment to kick in or if she was possibly doing something wrong.

Finally, he said something that she remembered. "Every time I ask you if you understand, I need you to respond with 'yes'. Do you understand?"

She was met with the familiar breeze of agreement and the word slipped out, just like the time before. "Yes." It felt so good to finally feel something from his words.

"Keep your eyes on me. You have to keep looking at me. Do you understand?" The power in his words overcame her and, once again, her response fell out.


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