Episode 14 | Imperfect

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Copia paced around his office, the light tapping of his shoes against the floor creating a hypnotic rhythm. His hands were shaking slightly and he was drenched in a cold sweat.

"Papa, please, it was just a dream. I'm sure Sunshine's alright." Aether comforted him from the corner of the room. He'd been on guard duty overnight and Copia had woken from a nightmare of his multi ghoulette being found by Santos and the congregation.

"But what if it wasn't just a dream?" He stopped pacing and ran a hand down his face. "My brothers and I were all given abilities by our Dark Lord, but I've never been sure what mine is. What if I have some form of foresight, and Sunshine is about to be taken?"

Aether sighed. He was the pack leader for Copia's ghouls so he had the strongest connection to the others. He knew Sunshine was alright but he couldn't seem to convince his papa of it. "She wouldn't have agreed to stay with them if she'd thought she'd be in danger. Remember, she's met them twice before. She knows more about them than any of us do."

Just them, there was a light nock at the door. "Enter." Copia commanded to whoever was waiting outside.

A woman with dark brown hair with blonde highlights and deep black eyes strolled in, smiling up at the Papa. "So, could you please tell me what's been troubling you?" Copia raising a brow at her and she chuckled, turning to Aether. "Did you not discuss this with him before calling me?"

Copia also turned to Aether now for an explanation and the Quintessence ghoul sighed. "Papa, this is Sister Aria...she's the ministry's head in emotional care and therapy."

"You called a therapist for me?" He seemed more offended than actually shocked. "I'm fine, just worried is all."

"No-one who is actual alright uses the word 'fine' when describing their emotions." Aria added, placing herself down on the small couch in the office. "So, what is it your worried about?"

Copia sighed, glaring at Aether out of the corner of his eye. The large ghoul just grinned at him smugly. "Just my multi ghoulette. She's staying with a group of rogue ghouls and I just had, what seemed to be, a nightmare of her being captured by a cult who we've had many problems with before. Lucifer gave me and my brothers abilities, but I'm not sure what mine is yet. I'm just worried that I was given foresight and she's about to be in terrible danger."

Sister Aria hummed, taping a tiny notebook she'd brought with a pen. "Are you worried because you don't trust these rogues,"

"Well, obviously-"

"Or are you worried because you don't trust her to be able to defend herself?"

Copia froze. Sunshine was a very small and sweet ghoulette. Anyone who didn't known her well would think she was weak and wouldn't hurt a fly. But a bond allowed them to recognize her hidden fury. She was much more dangerous and capable of protecting herself than she seemed.

But that was the problem. Something had happened when Copia had formed the pack bond with his ghouls: Sunshine had seemed to almoust slip slightly out of it while it had still been forming. As a result, the bond she shared with him was imperfect and would waver and glitch out at times. Copia couldn't feel her emotions in himself as well as he could with the others.

"She can defend herself. She's much stronger than you'd think, I know that. I've seen her wings, and they're proof enough of just how tough she can be." Copia corrected.

Aria stared at him. "You seem to be almoust trying to convince yourself of that instead of me." The Papa's gaze fell and his hands had started to shake even more. "Maybe you do trust her, and you do believe that she's strong. But that does not change the fact that you are worrying about her safety."

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