Episode 10 | Papa Santos

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The origional characters, Santos, Elise and Sylvie, all belong to MelisandreGhoul

⚠TW: Sexual assault and rape. If you are not comfortable reading any of this, please skip to the next chapter⚠

The group split up, darting through the alleys and streets. One of their heists had been interrupted by a vision that had shown the ex-members of the Clergy closing in around them. They'd had to drop their plan and run and were now being chased through the town.

Sprite hurtled over a garden shed and was about to land their feet on the ground when something made contact with their neck. It snapped closed around them and the horrific electric shock it sent made them fall to their knees in pain. They grabbed at the metal collar, desperately trying to pry it off but it was no use. A swift hit to the back of their head and they tumbled forwards, lying unconscious on the pavement.


As they finally came to, their thoughts were overrun with the excruciating aching of their head. They groaned and tryed to reach up to hold it but something was stopping them. Slowly, they opened their eyes and glanced at their surrounding.

The sun that seeped in through small windows near the ceiling of what looked like a large warehouse or factory almoust blinded them. They were laying on their back on a hard surface, their wrists and ankles bound by metal cuffs linked to chains. As they turned their head to avoid the glare of the sun, they caught sight of two people stood over by a large wooden desk.

"Morning, gorgeous." A deceptively gentle voice whispered in their ear and Sprite whipped their head around to face whoever had said it.

Their eyes widened. The woman stood before them was truely the most beautiful person they'd ever seen. Her pearly blonde hair layed gently around her shoulders, framing her face so perfectly. Her eyes were such an enchanting shade of blue that Sprite almoust forgot where they were. Her skin was pale and flawless, practically glowing with her sureal shine. She was what most woman aspired to be.

They whipped their head around again as yet another voice addressed them from the other side, "I'm so glad that you're awake, little one. I hope you slept well. Before we get to the important things, we should probably introduce ourselves. I am Papa Santos. This is Sylvie, my little bonfire of a witch." He smiled towards a woman next to him with curls of red hair that spilled over her shoulders who grinned and gave Sprite a slight nod. "And I see you've already met my other witch, Elise. She is a wonder to behold, is she not?"

The complement was almoust nothing in comparison to how Santos himself could be described. He was a striking man. He had black, slick backed hair and his dark brown eyes appeared almoust black in the ancient light of the warehouse. He had a similar build to Bismuth - slim but muscular. He was olive skinned and his perfectly skulpted jaw had such a gorgeous shadow, one that any man would desire and any woman would tremble in the knees from just a glance at. He smiled at them and it didn't quite reach his eyes. Instead, they held a predatory glint in them. He wore thick, velvet robes that practically sucked in the light around them in such a, true to him, controlling manor. He was a nightmare dressed like a daydream.

Sprite growled involuntarily and Santos just chuckled. "That'll be quite enough of that, thank you." He, like the blonde haired witch, had a heavy French accent, the only difference being the slight tinge of a Spanish one in his velvety voice aswell. "When I learnt of untamed ghouls roaming free in the streets, I just couldn't help myself. Such stunning creatures," he stroked the back of his hand down their cheek and they closed their eyes in disgust before snapping at him, causing him to snatch his hand back. "And, yet, so dangerous."

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