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It was morning and I woke up to the ringtone of my iPhone. I then lazily picked it up and answered.

"Hello,hello? who please?" I said in my tired morning voice feeling tensed.

I couldn't hear the voice of the person but it felt scary.

"Jody!! Oh my goodness!! Jody!!"my mum cried out my name from downstairs.

I answered running downstairs to understand what was going on.

On getting there I saw my mom crying bitterly on the ground while my dad was trying to calm her down.

"Hey mom, what's happening?" I said running to calm her down even though I had no idea what was happening.

"Jody, I need you to calm down too  okay?" My dad pleaded while still holding my crying mother.

"Dad how the heck do you expect me to calm down when I don't know what is happening"I said getting annoyed.

"Oh my God!! I'm so scared I don't know what is happening"I said in my mind.

"Sweetheart, it's hailey"my dad said.

"Yes?what happened to hailey?why aren't you saying anything?!!" I screamed.

"She...umm...died yesterday"my dad said in a low and sad voice.

"What!!"that was the only word that could escape from my lips.

I removed my right hand which was patting my mum at her back, I stood up still in shock a tear fell from my eyes while memories of Hailey came flooding through.

All of a sudden the whole room started spinning and my body felt weak no matter how much i tried to gain balance I just couldn't.

It was like i was lost in thoughts and before i knew it my already weak body fell helplessly to the ground and that was how I fainted.

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Lee soojin

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