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Jody's mom pov:

I couldn't bear to watch my baby break down, my only daughter, having Jody wasn't easy at all for me. She really fought through to make it alive as if that isn't enough she has to go through this much pain.

My ex-husband had cheated on me for two straight years with my friend whom I trusted with my whole heart.

Apparently, he claimed it was a mistake the first time okay fine and good even stupid mistakes happen but should it happen again, again and again for three good years.


The night before hailey's death:

I was working late then decided to check up on jody, she replied that she was home and was ready for bed I calmed my worried heart and went on

I finished my shift at 4 a.m and packed
up to rest at home. Once I reached my garden which had beautiful flowers planted in it but they looked weak and
almost dried up i then thought to water it once I wake up strong.

I walked up to the door and opened it,
I saw my ex-husband sitting down like
he belonged here.

"Why are you here?"I asked looking like
I always never cared.

"I came to say goodbye to Jody but she is still asleep and I also fixed the power in the house"he said with a smile.

"I was gonna call an electrician to do it
you don't have to be nice now can you leave so I can lock the door and rest".i said as I removed my coat and hanged it
then charged my phone quickly.

"The least you could do was to say thank
you and be grateful plus I did it for Jody
not you"he said with audacity.

"The least you could do was to keep that balls one place you foolish man, just get
out i don't want to wake Jody up and i also don't have strength for this"I said
as headache had somehow penetrated
into my head.

"Why are you doing this again, I know
that I lied to you and I feel really guilty for hurting you for three years I really can't even look you in the face anymore
because my conscience wo......."he said as I cut him off.

"Your conscience better be guilty, because I hate you so much that I wish you never existed in my life, you know what i take back all the sweet things, the wedding vows I take all that back!!!" I fumed with anger.

For some reason when I found out I never screamed at him I was unreasonably calm and that was because my mind was lost. But now I am venting out after a long period of time.

'Now get the hell out of my house before I scream now"I was tired and heart broken.

I was about to walk out before he held my hand for a moment I had flashbacks of when we held hands on our wedding day those were my happy days.

I turned around to face him and hit him hard on his face that he was shocked I
pulled away from his grip and walked away.

"She is pregnant with twin"he said looking at his feets.

I turned around to look at him again with disgust then I laughed and said.

"Oh my, I guess I should throw a big welcome party for the baby of the woman that stole my husband from me and tell everyone how that is the product of my cheating husband and his so called wife"I said clenching my fists.

"Thats not what I mean Jane, what I'm trying to say is....."I cut him off again

"Well,what I'm trying to say is get out of my house Adam I am sick and tired of your presence you shouldn't be here please you don't want to keep your pregnant with twin wife waiting up late" I said making my way to the door.

"Will you just calm down Jane, I am with her because I got her pregnant if she wasn't I would still be here"he said

"Just listen to your stupid self please leave my house now!!!" I gestured toward the door as my phone rang but I ignored it.

He refused to leave so I went ahead to pick up my phone as it kept on ringing.

It was 5:30 and I wondered why hailey's
mom was calling this early.

"Hello Mrs Anderson, oh my goodness calm down Hailey what!!!!!!"I said shocked.

"Hailey died just now and it wasn't supposed to be today this wasn't supposed to happen Jane I don't know what to do my baby is gone"Hailey's mom said while crying bitterly over the phone.

"Jesus no!!!" I threw my phone and fell to the ground as my body kept shaking
non stop.

I screamed while crying so bitterly, Adam still stood in shock at what just happened now he too was speechless.

He came to where I was shaking and crying he consoled me and even though I was mad at him I needed someone by my side to hold me down.

I didn't even know when I screamed jody's name because she had to be aware this pain was too much to even bear.

She ran down and saw me crying and immediately she heard the heart breaking news she lost balance and fainted.

Hey guys, I'm in my senior year that is why it takes time to update.

What do y'all think about Adam Smith?

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Lee soojin:)

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