Chapter 13

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, I slowly got up from the bed and the first thing I saw were wrapped up clothes,a tooth brush,sponge and tooth paste.

Wait.. wait a minute these were not here yesterday and I definitely wasn't blind after the ki..oh my gosh did Jake see me sleep like a drunk retard.

This can't be possible at all can it??

Well let's just face reality by crying, or better still getting my lazy ass up and clean myself.


Jake's POV:

I got up very early as usual and the first thing I thought of was jody then I quickly gathered some new clothes and some other things she'll need to freshen up.

You see,the thing is I've always liked Jody and there are several times i'd try to make a shot but she just never noticed me and now that we are bonding I definitely do not want to lose her at all.

I've always wanted to hold and caress her most importantly protect her.

I have to make breakfast for her I'm also hungry though and mum should be back by now.

I walked to my mom's room i knocked
but no response, I went down stairs and no sight of any human. What should have kept momma for so long??.

Maybe I should call her.

"Hey mom,where are you"I asked worriedly.

"Jay jay something happened"she said almost whispering.

"Oh what happened mom??"I asked now getting scared.

"Jay I was rushing home yesterday and had a little accident"she said crying.

"WHAT!!!"I screamed.

"Its not that serious okay??"

"Mom I'll be there in a minute"I said hanging up the phone.

I ran upstairs and grabbed my coat cause it was cold then rushed over to the hospital where they had admitted my mom. I had already forgotten about Jody being in my house.

Jody's POV

I came out of the bathroom, went over to the dresser looked at myself in the mirror and for the first time in how many years I could finally see that I was really beautiful.

I heard someone climb the stairs but it sounded like the person was in a hurry and obviously that person is Jake. I hurriedly wore my clothes and rushed out to catch him.

But before I got there he had already disappeared and I wonder where he was off to this time.

I made my way back to the house and made coffee cause I needed something in my system.

I picked up my phone and called Jake it rang for some while but he didn't pick.

I called again and it rang for long then he finally picked up his phone.

"Hey,good morning" I said shyly.

"Hey Jody umm I'm in a hurry so can you be quick"

Oh my how rude??

"I was just wondering where you were off to nothing much"

"I won't be back so it's best to go back to your mom jody"

"You know I can't we..."I was cut off by Jake who seemed angry.

"I can't do this now Jody its best you swallow your pride and go make up with your mom cause you don't know what life has next for you okay??"he said.

"Are you ser....."he hung up the phone.

God I can't do this anymore at all like at all I can't believe I stupidly let him into my freaking life.

I ran upstairs angrily packed up my things and left the house.

Jake's POV:

In life there are some situations you find yourself in that you do the most horrible or ridiculous thing you've ever done just to be fine.

And I jake was in a position that involved my mother's life she was almost dying.

I had to say that to Jody because here I am about to lose the one person that means the most to me and she is beefing hers.

She had to hear it that way to realise things and I hope she does because that's the only person she has too. And God I'm not ready to lose mine.

On her way home, she was driving under the rain speeding and couldn't see the parked truck in front of her so she hit it with her car.

Her glass shattered, a huge one piercing through her stomach and here she is my mother, my only first love,my world she was lying helplessly losing blood and she told me it was nothing serious.

She needed blood and I couldn't give her and i needed to get a donor but at this point of my life I wasn't thinking well. Because the trauma from that of my dad came flooding through my mind and trust me that didnt feel good cause I looked like I had seen a ghost.

I was hopeless and the first thing that came to my mind was what my mother taught me. Slow and steadily, I went on my knees and I started crying and before you knew it I started praying to God.

I hoped he would answer me because he was my only hope and I had faith in him so much that moment.

The nurses came to me at the sound of my screams with my hands covering my face, knees on the floor, hair totally rough I was a total mess.

I got up and went outside for fresh air as my mom was in the operating room they were getting the glass out of her. All of a sudden, I heard a voice whisper Jason my cousins name. I called him and he picked.

"Hey bro,its been long what's up??"Jason asked. Just hearing his voice made me cry because we were practically like twins growing up.

"Nothing is good man"I cried.

"Yo, what's wrong bro why you crying so bad??"

"My mom she's gonna die and she needs blood but I can't donate and she's all I have man"

"What the f*** man I'll be there now"

He hung up and I put my hands on my knees weeping so badly.

I can't say much😭just don't forget to VOTE!!!!!!

Lee soojin:(

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