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I ran,ran,ran I just kept running with a heavy amount of tears strolling down my cheeks. I eventually ran out of breath then I sat down at a porch I didn't know the owner.

Looking around me I realised I was far
away from home and I had no strength
to go back so i just rest my head on
my lap feeling stressed out.

A minute later, I was asleep and didn't notice the presence of someone.

"Hello, you okay??"the familiar voice said.

I slowly raised my head up,puffy eyes from crying much and mascara smudge.

"Umm..hey, I think I know you it's you jake from"I slowly said.

"Oh my gosh Jody you don't look okay what's wrong"?

"I had some misunderstanding with my
mom and then I left the house I mean I
practically ran out"i laughed in sarcasm

"Come on get up"he said

"Where do you live?, don't you need to go home? Where are we heading to?" I
asked dusting myself up.

"You are asking too much"he laughed.

"But I'll answer them,first of all we are standing on my porch. Secondly, I was
about going to a bonfire at the beach side I was gonna go home after that.
Thirdly, you are gonna come with me to the beach cause you need to clear your head"He said as he held my hand smiling.

"Ohk then as long as I get something to eat"I smiled back.

"Thats no problem at all jody some of my friends are bringing food and I can't wait for you to meet them they are the best"he said as we made our way into his Benz car which was black and really smelled nice inside.

At the beach bonfire

We got there on time and it looked really busy there were lots of people around dancing,drinking,smoking(just like five actually)and just basically having fun.

Jake came to my front so that we were meeting face to face and said.

"Jody as we walk in here I want you to forget about whatever you are going through I know its gonna be hard but its for the best and whatever we do its just to take your mind off things okay??"

"Yes...yes of course"I said feeling trailed off.

As we made our way through the sound of loud music blasting I could recognise some people from school but didn't know their names and this place I mean this gathering is like another world on its own.

First things first we got some chicken and chips with soda although it was only I that got it according to Jake he  already ate before coming.

The party was nice the people treated me nice with no sign of sympathy and thats actually what I wanted cause I couldn't cry more. Jake left for some minutes he said he wanted to bring over some idiots I guess they are his friends.

"Yo shut up man, I know you love my dancing skills"one laughed as they slowly approached where I was sitting.

"Why would he like your horrible dance" One with a british accent spoke.

"Cause why not douche bag"another girl laughed.

And they all came towards me with jacob hands over the shoulder of the one who had the british accent.

"Ok guys shut up already"Jake said smiling as he offered me his hands to get up.

I slowly reached for it and stood up almost shivering from the cold beach air the blew my hair into my face I struggled as I tried to tuck them behind my ear.

Jake held my hands away from my face and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Ouuuuu" they all exclaimed.

"Shut up fools, so guys meet Jody and Jody meet Lily,Caleb and Shane"he gestured.

"Hey Jody its nice to finally meet you"  lily said emphasizing on the finally.

"You are so pretty jody,nice to meet you"
so apparently caleb is the one with the accent.

"Im Shane nice to meet you"he coldly said.

"Can't you ever not be too serious"Lily said smacking the back of his head.

He then carried her and threatened to throw her in the water as they all laughed. I couldn't help but admire the bond,the love and how all these have been taken away from me.

Hey guys, im taking too long to update cause I've got important exams to prepare for but I will try to update more.

Are y'all sensing love😂well....lets not be too sure should we.

Jake is a lovely guy but is he doing it for sympathy or because he has something for her. Honestly speaking, I don't even know.

Please don't forget to VOTE, SHARE, COMMENT.

Love you<3

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