Chapter 14

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Jody's POV

I came down from the cab as soon as I reached my house, walked down to the front door and immediately hesitated opening it but I had no where to go and I really missed my bed and even though it was hard to admit it I missed my mom.

I finally opened it and saw her right there on the couch she looked like she had stayed up all night and her eyes were puffed up like she had cried too.

She got up slowly as surprise and shock filled her face. I dropped my bag to the ground as I immediately teared up.

"Mom, I'm really........."I was cut off by my mom who ran to hug me.

I hugged her back as she stroked my back dearly and said....

"My baby you dont have to be sorry I am so sorry everything it's all my fault I am the one to blame, I couldn't give you a better father or a better life and I couldn't tell you about hailey and I regret it so much"she cried bitterly.

"Mom, its fine you don't have to blame yourself lets just move on and keep the past in the past"I sobbed.

After all the sad moment, I took my bag upstairs and freshened up then came down for dinner.

"Hey"I said walking down the stairs.

"You hungry??"

"My stomach is literally growling here"I laughed.

"Whats for dinner"

"Chicken and chips with orange juice how does that sound??"

"Ugghhh more than perfect"I said reaching for my plate.

When i was halfway into my food I thought of something I never believed I would even think of and that was opening up to my mom about Jake.

"Uhh mom this might sound useless but umm... you know what forget about it"
I said about to leave before she held my hand.

"Jody, I'm all ears and I'll always be okay?, be it useless, stupid, I'd love to be your listening ear"she said looking me in the eyes with care.

"Oh ok then....i guess I'll just go straight to the point. So, when I left the meeting the other day I umm ran and stopped to sit somewhere which happens to be where my friend lives so........."I said speeding the whole story and skipping the intimate part but throughout my story narration my mom did not say a word like at all.

"So, you love him don't you??"

"Yeah I guess, its like my heart beats uncontrollably whenever he is near me"
I said looking down and lost.

"You don't know how happy I am Jody bear like I literally thought you were gay, I've been preparing myself for when you'd come out and trust me it hasn't been good"she laughed and cried.

"Mom, I understand you"I said laughing

"You need to talk to him what did you say his name was again??"

"Oh it's jake"

"Jake sounds incredibly handsome and I'm sure you two are good together"she caressed my cheek.

"Jody, don't forget your speech for the burial its getting closer and I trust you'll do great and Hailey will be so proud of you and I know that".

"Mom, can I know what killed my best friend??".

Lots of cliff hangers I know😔im just too busy with exams but I'll make enough time to update.

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Lee soojin<3

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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