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The present:

"Beep,beep,beep,beep"sounds came from something that seemed like a monitor.

"But come to think of it why was it sounding like it was close to me? why can't I move my body? why is there something covering my nose and mouth? Where am I?". I wondered with
My eyes still closed.

Slowly I opened my eyes as my head was throbbing with aches. Although I couldn't see well, I could at least hear some voices and the beeping sound coming from God knows what.

"Arrghhh!!! Mom are you there?" I said realising I was indeed in a hospital the reason i couldn't figure it out.

"Oh my baby!! Thanks goodness you are awake"my mom said tearing up as she touched my body like I died before.

Wait a minute i know that look, i know that sad look it reminds me of........

"Hailey!!!" I said out loud.

"Jody, baby I need you to rest okay? You hit your head pretty bad the doctor will be here any minute okay"??? My mum said wiping up her tears.

"Okay mum" I replied feeling a bit off.

The doctor came to check up on me and said I was fine he gave me drugs that would help ease the pain so i can perform well. After that, he discharged me I was more than happy to be able to go home cause I always hated hospitals.

On our way home, I asked mum where my dad was but she replied saying I didn't have to worry about that.

When we reached our front yard, that odd feeling came back and this time it made my heart hurt so bad but I kinda managed to push it behind.

Immediately we entered into the living room I had a quick flashback that made me fall on my knees as I now recalled what happened to my only best friend.

"Jody what's wrong??"my mum ran over to get me up.

"Is she really gone mum??, did Hailey
really die mum??, Is she really not alive??" I said quietly as I cried bitterly.

"Yes Jody, she left this world to some place more special and good but that doesn't mean she doesn't love us baby"
My mum said patting my back as I cried
my eyeballs out.

"But why mum why?? Can I go to be with her too mum?? I can't live without her, I never got to tell her how much i love her and I really need her hugs and
smile" I cried as her memories came flooding through again and again.

After crying and having my mum pat my back while my dad was no where to be found, I entered my room to lay in the warm bath my mum had prepared in the tub for me.

Having had such a nice bath I came out of my bathroom and suddenly my phone rang.


I picked up the phone and saw it was my father calling i then proceeded to
answer it.

"Hey dad, what's up? where are you dad? I came back I didn't see you please I really need you right now." I said tearing up again.

"Jody get a hold of yourself okay?, your mum and I are no longer together anymore". My dad said.

"So you are trying to tell me you are gone dad is that what you are trying to say". I cried saying.

"I've always been gone baby, I've just been around to support you until we were ready to tell you about our divorce and Hailey's umm that's all". My dad said in a suspicious way.

''Firstly, I am not your baby anymore second of all, hailey's what dad what are you not telling me?" I said angrily.

"Well I don't know you and your mom will sort it out some day I am in no position to say it right now"he said.

"What I don't understand is how I lost my best friend and the only thing my dad could do was to break a wonderful news to me that he is leaving our family
how so wonderful" I cried and laughed at the same time.

"Jody I can't do this right now bye"dad said hanging up before I could even speak again.

Having been traumatized enough for the day I quickly went to put on clothes
and do my hair. I looked at the mirror and thought to myself.

What have I done to deserve all this, my family used to be perfect we all loved each other like there wasn't tomorrow.

What do I need to trade to have your presence back hailey I would gladly do it because i need you right now in my life.




Lee soojin<3

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