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Jane's POV:

It was a cold evening, and my daughter
ran out since and I have no idea where she is. I've called my ex husband but she's not with him and her number is not even reachable. This must have been more than a big shock for her.

I just hope she is somewhere safe and warm cause it looks cloudy outside and
I want to see her so badly.

Phone rings.....

"Hello,oh hey Mrs Anderson I am fine except that my daughter is no where to be found"I said pinching my forehead.

"Im sure she'll be fine, even if she decides to disappear she'll definitely attend the burial"she encouraged.

"Yeah that's true,I am also more worried
about this rain thats about to pour down heavily on our roof and I hope Jody has shelter"I asked worriedly.

"C'mon she'll be fine shes a big girl she'll definitely come back to you"

"Ok then chat you later"

"Bye dear and have a good night rest don't over think"

"I hope so"I laughed and ended the call.

I need to shower I've had a long day today and many more ahead of me.

At the beach side:

I was practically begged by three guys and a girl I met this evening to play in the beach and I happily went. I've never
played this much since.. you know what.

Caleb started throwing the salty beach
water at me and the feeling I got from the contact the water made with my skin made me laugh so hard. I threw and splashed water on him too then the rest joined especially jake it was like he was only targeting me and I couldn't stop laughing.

Jake swam into the beach with the rest of his friends leaving me standing there
washing sand off my face.With full spee
d he swam back towards me and before I could wash my face on time to get a clearer view he splashed a heavy amount of water on me and I laughed so hard.

He laughed too then came to my face and said.

"I didn't know you could laugh like this"
He smirked.

"I didn't know you could swim so good"
I shot back while smiling.

"Well...what can I say except that your
smile is so pretty and you should do it more often"he said then swam back to join his crew.

How he was able to take my mind away from what im going through and even make me smile he sure is pretty good and I can't help but admire him some way.

As the water came back and forth to where I was sitting I looked up to search for stars but I only saw one but later on there were thousands filling the sky and I couldn't help but be amazed at the beauty. Then there came a lightning  sign so beautiful.

Wait what!! Lightning!! I have no where to crash for the night. Now i can feel raindrops oh my!! Jake is still in the oce

"Hey jake!! Its gonna rain soon do you mind getting out of the water??" I asked
more like pleaded because i wasn't ready to lose anyone.

"We'll be out soon calm down Jody"Lily said.

"Why don't you get out now please??"

Jake sensed the fear in my voice and instructed them to come out of the water.

"Hey Jody" jake said.


"We are out now you sounded really worried"

"Yh I'm just not ready to lose anyone again"

"Don't worry pretty, you won't lose me"
He smirked.

"Shut up asshole"I joked while laughing.

"Yeah that reminds me I have no where
to sleep for the night jake and I'm not ready to go home"I said looking down at my feets that were playing with sands.

He raised my chin up and said.

"I'd be more than happy to have you sleep over at my place"he said staring deeply into my eyes.

I stared into his too but then a heavy thunder striked to remind us we needed to leave the beach now.

I shocked surprisingly at the sound of the thunder then Jake held my hands and we ran out of the beach and towards the car to meet up with the others but they had already left in another car. The people partying had already started leaving the place was almost empty.

We got to the car but then Jake left his car keys in his jacket which was on the log where i was sitting before we had to go back. We hadn't even reached halfway heavy rain started pouring. In a matter of seconds my clothes were soaked and so was jakes own.

For the first time I had seen a boy and the shape of his biceps up close with my own two eyes they were like art. Jake soon found his jacket although they were soaked then he turned to me and said.

"You okay??"

" yes"I said not being able to take my eyes away from his body arrgh
I feel like a pervert.

Jake looks down at his body and smirked.

"Oh I get it now"he laughed.

"Get what??"I said feeling embarrassed
with my cheeks flushing pink under the rain.

"You wanna feel it don't you??"he asked
still smirking.

"What!! can we go back now the rain is getting heavy??"I asked looking any wh
ere but his eyes.

He came towards me closing the gap between us then put my hand on his chest.

Haha😂look at you getting all curious
id like to keep you in suspense too😂.

Jake jake Jake what are you doing to our girl 😂we'll know in the next chapter won't we?😝.


Lee soojin:)

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