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Two days before:

It was 7:30 in the morning, and I was still sore from my piano practice the day before.

There I was still laying on my bed which had books and some clothes scattered on it.

While I was sleeping quietly,someone barged into my room playing spring day
by BTS loudly in a purple mini sized
boom box.

"Yo! Wake up jody!! Its time for school"
Hailey said jumping excitedly on my bed.

I lazily stood up looking at her annoying
face and wanting to pinch it.

She was always the happy type, she was the type to make everywhere lively, she was the type that sparkles lit up in her eyes whenever the sky changes color.

She was an Angel, she was my Angel.

"Earth to Jody!!",she said waving her hands at my face.

" Arrgghh!!, what I don't get at all is how
happy you always are whenever its a
school day" I said getting down from the
bed and wearing my pink fluffy flip flop

"I would say that school sure is hell" I said pulling off my clothes and making my way to the bathroom with my white towel which hung itself on my body.

I soon got out of the bathroom as I was late for school and needed to meet up with first period. Hailey and I made our way to her White Mercedes Benz car which was parked outside my house as I was too lazy as usual to drive.

When we got to Kim international college we pulled at the parking lot and made our way into our huge school then sat down in our class for first period.

Hailey usually sits next to Marcus her boyfriend while I sit at the front row to avoid distractions.

Soon the classes were over and it was lunch time.

At the cafeteria:

Hailey and I walked while holding hands to get our food, after that we went ahead to get a space to sit and chat while we munch on our favorite foods.

"Jody, Marcus and I want to go on a road trip tomorrow" she quietly said.

"I'm not allowing you" I plainly responded.

"Come on jody, you know how much I love him and besides other people do it
with their boyfriends please jody"Hailey
pleaded with sincerity in her eyes.

"How much do you love me hailey? That every single time I tell you i don't trust
him you never ever listen to me"I said feeling scared but not showing it.

"I understand you and I love you more but just do this for me this one time please?"she said holding my hands.

"Whatever" I said glaring annoyingly at
Marcus as he was making his way over to our table.

"Hey ladies?" He said as he pecked Hailey.

"Marcus or whatever your name is if anything happens to my bestfriend during your road trip or even after I won't hesitate to burn and cut off your balls" I said as I got up with my tray to leave.

"Jody, thank you very much"she said also getting up to hug me.

Her hugs were always wide and comforting they could heal a broken heart at the same time convince someone that was also one of the things I loved about her.

"Phew thank goodness she didn't try to
strangle me this time" Marcus said letting out a sigh.

"I know right? She just doesn't want to let me go and neither do I"Hailey said packing up her meal.




Lee soojin:)

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