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B O T H— of them knew Gelly would have a screaming match awaiting her when she arrived home, so Gaius in an attempt to ease her nerves, didnt return back to class like he was supposed too, instead choosing to sit outside the academy on a bench.

"Do you know how reckless that was?" Gaius asked her.

"I needed to do something." She frowned. "I want to help him."

"And you will, that just wasnt the way to go about it."

Gelly sighed, shaking her head, "I cant. . . He told me, he didnt want my help."

Gaius laughed, sending her a knowing look, "and when do you ever back down, with a small, no?"

"I dont want to force him." Gelly thought for a moment, kicking a rock underneath her foot,  a few feet, "hes scared, and I dont want to make it worse."

Gaius sighed, like her way of thinking wasnt making any sense, she always worried too much about other people, that she forgot to worry about herself. "Give him time, Gelly."

"He doesnt have time." She said.

"Then hopefully, hes smart enough to relize it quickly." Gaius stood up from his spot, sticking his hands in his coat pocket, "come on."

"Where?" Gelly frowned, Gaius sent her a smirk, pulling her off the bench.

"You want to see, your little lumberjack. Dont you?" He asked her, recieving a small nod, "Good, but we gotta stop at home first. Im itching to get out of these pants." He gestured to his red uniform pants, with an eyeroll. "Maybe, He'll be more. . . Welcoming, if your less bright."

"I can only hope." She followed after him into the old house, they're parents were still at work, so they had just enough time to get in and get out.

Gelly rushed to her room, peeling off the red coat, and chose a simple white dress instead, it was eleagant and innocent. She left the room just as quickly as she came in, Gaius was already shoving food into a bag, only his red coat remaining on his form, from his uniform.

"Dressing to impress?" Asked Gaius, with a small smirk.

Gelly blushed a light pink, ignroing his words, which only made him chuckle.

Gaius threw the bag over his shoulders, and pulled Gelly out of the house, leading her back to the zoo, he didnt let her walk a few feet from him, just incase she had decided to wander off somewhere she wasnt supposed too, or stop to look at a preety flower.

Gaius reched into the bag and grabbed a sandwitch and a water bottle, then handed the bag with the remaining contents to Gelly. "I wont be far, so just call me if you need something."

Gelly nodded, walking towards the bar, Treech was sitting on one of the rocks with his district partner, they're backs turned away from the crowd of people, watching them, like animals.

"Treech!" She called out, making the boy turn to hers, he sighed before getting off the rock and slowly walking towards her.

"Did you not hear me the first time?" He asked coldly, arms crossed over his chest, glancing her up and down, she was out of her capital uniform and into clothing that fit her timid personality, making her seem more innocent than before.

"I did." She said, her voice angelic, as Treech leaned on the bars infront of her, his hands gripping medal.

"Then you should know to leave me alone." His eyes stared into hers, as if he was trying to make her back down, to go home, but she wanted nothing more than to stay grounded, and she didnt shrink away from his gaze.

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