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G A I U S— didnt leave any room for yelling, his sister was already crying, and he didnt need her to be distressed even more.

"Were not in the mood." He shoved past their father, still holding onto Gelly, "Our friend just died, and we'd rather not get yelled at for it."

Their father only rolled his eyes, grabbing onto Gaius shoulder, pulling him back, he let go of Gelly momentarily, who was still shaking with sobs. "You think this is a pity part?"

"No," Gaius bit the side of his cheek, speaking firmly, "but I think me and Gelly, would rather grieve in peace."

"Oh, you and Gelly wont be doing anything." Ovid let out an eary laugh, "I hope you both know, I wish it was you who died."

Gaius swallowed unsteadily, but his gaze never wavered, "wouldnt that be lucky."

"Would have." Said Ovid, "The three of you have been nonestop bitching, about the games! Tributes this, tributes that!"

"Three? Have you forgotten you drove Geo out of this place, years ago!"

"You will not speak of him under this roof!"

"Why?" Gaius asked, "Becuase your ashamed? Ashamed of what you did to him? You think you can just flaunt around, abusing your children however you want? Thats why Geo picked the districts over you, becuase he was better off there, then in this fucked up house!" Gaius screamed, his words snapping something infront of the man infront of him. Ovid snatched onto his short hair, making him whimper and back down slightly due to the harsh grip, he was dragged to the table before he was slammed into it, his face smooshed side ways against it, probally creating another bruise. Gaius cried out in pain, not being able to keep still as he tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but it was no use, everytime he fought against it he was pushed down harder.

"Fuck you!" Ovid screamed, "you think this is my fault, You think any of this is my fualt? Your scumbag of a brother left for the districts becuase he was just as dirty as the rest of them. Not becuase of anything I did, no, that was all him. He couldnt handle the capital pressure, he wasnt made out for this shit. " Gaius was slammed harder, "you think this is abuse? Im only telling you what you need to hear— i could make this so much worse, they're are millions of other kids, facing way worse. You rememeber the war, dont you? Your lucky your even alive." Gaius whimpered, and tried to shove him off again. Ovid released him slightly, shoving him into the ground, which would have went smoothly, if their hadnt been a chair beside Gaius.

Gaius toppled over it, his leg snapping in the opposite direction, and as soon as he hit the floor, the room was filled with desperate screams, so loud it probally alerted the whole neighborhood. Gaius cried out, his voice filled with so much terror it scared Gelly, she stood a step back, and as much as she wanted to comfort the poor boy she couldnent. "Fuck!—" Gaius screamed in agony, but panick overfilled him again as Ovid crashed ontop of him, pulling him up by the collar of Gaius shirt and slamming him hard into the ground.

"You little Fucker!" He screamed at him, getting ready to bring his fist down, and Gaius eyes locked onto Gelly's.

"Gelly!" He shouted, his eyes pleading with her, "Go— please."

For a moment Gelly thought Her father was going to kill Gaius, the way his demeanor had completly shifted, from angry to stone cold crazy, his eyes seeping with revenge, he didnt care of Gaius obviously broken leg, and he didnt show him any mercy.

"Gelly!" His voice begged, snapping Gelly out of her thoughts, she didnt even know what she was doing, but before she knew it she was running out of their as quick as she could, her legs working on they're own. She pushed open the door, not looking back to Gaius still on the floor, and she led herself to the only place she knew who could help, who could potentially save Gaius if he still had a chance. It didnt matter if she had promised herself she would never return to that house, not after what had happend a few years ago, the guilt still weighning on her with every new step she stood, with every step he didnt take, but she knew she had to, for Gaius.

It was cold and dark out, the wind clashing against her, and she was out of breath, her heart beating against her chest, and at any moment she thought it would burst out of her chest. The only thing that had kept her going was the adreniline, and the fear for her brother Gaius. She didnt bother knocking, slamming open the door, and bursting through, startling everyone awake in the house.

"Mrs Japheth!" She shouted with so much urgency, and desperation.  "Mr Japheth!"

Aetius rounded the corner, a concerned look on his face as he took sight of the Distressed Gelly. Just seing him made Gelly's heart pound even farther, thinking back to what happened to Leto.... His brother. "Gelly? Whats wrong?" Even after all that happened, he wasnt mad, only Concerned, perhaps he knew it wasnt her fault.

"Its Gaius!" She cried, her whole body shaking, "I-I think they're going to kill him."


WOAAAAH, i think did something...... bye bye Gaius.... Jk jk
Youll find out next chapterrrrr

 Jk jkYoull find out next chapterrrrr

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