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T R E E C H— had managed to find Gelly in no time, leaning her back against one of the nearbye trees, sulking.

"Whats wrong?" His voice echoed through the valley, making Gellys head shoot up in suprise.

"Nothing." She shook her head, all tension leaving her shoulders when she relized it was only him.

"Dont lie." He lowered himself beside her, tipping his head slightly.

Gelly inhaled a shaky breath, picking at her fingers, in her lap, "I just dont want to make a bad choice."

Treech didnt quite understand what she was talking about, untill she continued.

"Sorry, its just that, so many people want to live in the capital, and im just throwing it away. I could get you to the capital, so you dont have to deal with the games—"

"But then Im pretending to be somone im not." He stopped her from continuing, his eyes twinkling. "im district, Through and through, and bringing me to the capital wont change anything."

"You'd rather stay here." Treech nodded.

"Only if your here." His voice was quite, barely even above a whisper, making Gelly have to lean in, to even hear what he was saying. "I'll follow you anywhere."

Gelly let a soft smile play on her lips, glancing towards Treech, then back to the valley infront of her, "yeah?"

Treech hummed, and suddenly Gelly felt the warmth of his hands on the side of her cheeks, turning her to face her.

Gelly's breathing hitched in her throat, looking at him with wide eyes, which only made Treech chuckle.

"You know I would." He said, his voice sending shivers through Gelly's body, and she shifted under his grip, making Treech smirk. He leaned closer, closing most of the distance between them, but their lips only grazed. She felt his hot breath against her neck, as he began leaving a trail of delicate kisses on her skin.

"Treech." She whispered, confused on what he was doing.

"Yes?" He pulled back for a moment, to now kiss her on the lips. His touch was so soft, as if he was afraid to hurt gelly, but yet he still savored every movement against her, pulling her closer than ever.

Gelly was suddenly at a loss of words, whatever she was going to say, lost in his touch.

When Treech relized she had nothing else to say, he spoke, "What did The caccoon want?"

"Cacoon?" Gelly giggled, "You mean Coriolanus?"

"No diffrence." He mummered, resting on his hands.

Gelly rolled her eyes at him, but yet she was still smiling, licking her lips as she went to answer, "Just wanted me to come back to the capital with him, thats all."

Treech nodded firmly, glancing over Gelly's face, and relized she wasnt lying to him, not that she would, but he had to make sure, "Too bad for him, your not going anywhere."

"If I wanted to?"

"Not with him." He corrected, "I mean, I'd never stop you if thats what you wanted to do, is that what you—"

Treech was suddenly cutt of by Gelly's lips on his again, "Im not leaving, Treech." She popped up from her seat, and reached down to help him up.

He looked up at her with love struck eyes, accpeting her offering and pulling himself up, "Great, becuase I would've been really upset."

"Oh, and I hate seing you upset." She teased, shoving him with her shoulder.

"I bet."


THIS TOOK SO LONG TO GET OUT.... LIKEEEEEEE, but it here now! Updates might be a lil slow....

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