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G E L L Y — felt a wave of fear hit her as soon as she woke up the next morning, shrugging on her red school uniform, all her movements were sluggish, filled with fear as she awaited the events of later. She couldnt imagine what Treech was feeling right now, he must've been terrified, and if she could, she'd take his place without a second thought, though it was most likely that Treech wouldnt let her, atleast he wouldnt have, now Gelly could barely figure out who he was, he had changed. That was too be expected, but she didnt expect him to drift away from her, not when things were going to well.

Gelly sunk into her mentor seat, next to pup harrington, who only gave her a small smile.

"Gelly, nice of you to join us for once." Festus called rudely.

Gelly didnt answer, shrinking into her seat. She felt loss without Gaius deflecting their tuanting, she now had to stick up for herself, something she struggled to do. She didnt have Gaius's hand to hold any longer, or his reassuring words. She only had herself, and she needed to find a way of living with just that.

She had arrived late, so the game would begin shortly, Lucky Flickerman went up and down the aisle, waiting for everyone to take their seats. "Happy hunger games!" He muttered repeatedly, though the situation was anything but happy, it was grim and disgusting, and nobody wanted to be here, espeically Gelly. She wanted to be back in the comfort of her own bed, and she wished none of this had ever happened.

"Enjoy the show!"

The tributes began entering the arena, being shoved into their spots by nearbye peacekeepers. She spotted Treech fairly quickly, being pushed onto a red circle, but she spotted something else behind him. It was marcus, the boy from district two. He was strung up on one of the poles, all beaten and bloodied. Gelly felt like puking, but she held it back.

"Well we can all sleep easy, knowing hes off the streets." Lucky joked, how could he possible say that? Marcus was just a boy, a boy who was scared and ripped away from his home. Someone who had humanity taken away from then countless times.

Sejanus shot up from his seat, angrier than Gelly had ever seen him. "Your monsters! All of you!" He screamed, throwing his desk chair at one of the screams and storming off. Gelly couldnt blame his outburst, it was perfectly reasomable considering he knew Marcus back in district two.




Gelly shifted in her seat as soon as the countdown began, but she kept her eyes glued to the screen, unable to look away.




The tributes around the cornucopia started foreward, adreniline rushing through them all. Fear drifted off their faces





The gong sounded, and the tributes rushed forward toward the cornucopia infront of them. Panlo from district nine, surged toward Treech, making Gellys heart pounded eagerly. He shoved Treech off his path, and Treech pushed back, angry at the boy.

Treech pulled forward grabbing an axe off platform, just as Panlo reached him with a sword, Treech slashed at his arm, and Panlo bolted forward, but it wasnt Treech who killed him. It was coral, standing behind the blond boy, with a trident through him.

She said something to Treech, but the cameras were unable to pick it up with all the screaming. Treech nodded, scanning around, before he slid down the cornucopia walls, slamming his Axe into the dirt floor. It had just narrowly missed Lucy Gray's head, who slid out of the way, and jump to her feet. Treech continued to go at her, missing everytime, after a few moment he stumbled back, an arrow sticking out of his arm, making him drop his axe to hold the wound. Gelly inhaled a sharp breath, worried for the boy, he'd live, since it was only a small wound, but she didnt like seing him hurt.

Mizzen and Coral shot down the tribute who had harmed Treech, and jumped off the platform. The pack running towards the tunnels, chasing after Lucy Gray and Jessup. Treech led the pack, beckoning them forward, towards the pair who froze at the door.

Hy and sol from district five, neared from the other end, trying to reach them before the pack did, but they slid underneath the doors, and were soon faced with the stronger tributes.

Sol tried to slide under the door after them, but Coral stuck her trident through her back, making her cry out in pain, half her body through the wall. Her voice echoed earily off the walls.

Mizzen wrapped his net around Hy, holding him back as Treech took the final blow. Treech's eyes widened as he relized what he had done, taking a slow step back, almost shocked as the blood pooled out of the wound, sticking onto his axe. He stayed dazed for a few moment untill Coral's voice snapped him back to reality.

"Lumberjack, Get in there and get her out!" Coral demanded.

"Im not sticking my head in there! She could be waiting with a brick." He scoffed, and Gelly let out a sigh of relief at his smart thinking.

"I knew we should have recruited that Reaper kid." Coral shoved past him, angrily.

Mizzen patted him on the shoulder, giving him a nod, "dont worry, im glad your here."

Treech smiled at him, but he couldnt help but let his eyes drift towards Hy's body limp on the ground.

"Is it over?" Lucky peeked his out around, "do you think they're done now? To the children watching, that was horyfying and disgusting."

For a moment, lucky seemed to forget that they were watching children, thats all they were, forced into a arena, like they were nothing better than sadistic animals, but Gelly knew, they were just children.


AND THE GAMES BEGIN! And poor Treech had his first kill, poor bud...  next chapter will probally be more adventfull....

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