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G E L L Y sat with Treech in the woods, leaning against him, she had heard news of Coriolanus from some of the capital kids when they had called her to complain about him, but after that, everything was silence. Coriolanus hadnt come back to try and get her to the capital, and she hadnt heard from Sejanus since she left him at the capital, and for a moment it felt like her old life was coming to an end, and she had to welcome her new one with happy arms, though that wasnt much of a problem since it was with Treech.

She brushed her hands through his soft curls, as he wrapped his arms around her and stared off into the distance, he placed his chin on her shoulder.

Treech's siblings were fooling around infront of them, since he had taken them off his parents hands, and Treech watched them with a happy smile.

"Do you want kids one day?" Gelly arubtly asked, puasing her movment in his hair, as she glanced towards his siblings.

Treech waited a moment to answer, "When the games come to an end. . . Yes."

Gelly nodded, knowing exactly what he meant with his words; he'd never want to put his kids through the pain of the games that he had to endure, or even lose them.

"What about you, ly." Treech teased, poking her side, and Gelly let out a soft giggle in return, leaning farther into Treech.

"Maybe." She said blandly, and Treech pressed a kiss onto her cheek.

"There is one thing I know for sure." Treech whispered, his breath gently brushing against Gelly's ear, sending shivers up her spine.

Gelly hummed, "Whats that?"

"Patience ly." He joked, a soft laugh, coming off his lips. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Gelly couldnt help herself, but smile at his words, and she sat up, continuing to face away from Treech, and for a moment he thought he said something wrong.

"Ly." His voice sounded sad now, and the minute Gelly heard it, she snapped around and crashed her lips onto Treechs, forcing him to fall back against the grass, and Gelly to lean ontop of him. Gellys hand interwined with his hair, pulling it gently. "Eager much?" Treech mumbled against her lips, and Finnally Gelly pulled back, both their smiles shining brightly.

"Theres also one thing I know for sure." Gelly said, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you too."

Treech went to kiss her again, this time he savored the kiss, it was more soft and gentle. Their lips moving in sync with eachother, and Treech brushed her cheek with his hand.

"Get a room, Treech." Hilton, Treech's older brother called out, as he hopped down the hill with Treech's friends, who were sure to tease him about this later, "I mean, come on. Theres kids around."

"They're not watching." Treech joked, but he did nothing to pull apart from Gelly.

"We are." Geo said, quite unamused with the whole situation. He clenched his jaw, looking anywhere but the two happy teenagers.

Treech's smile seemed to drop for a split moment, before he pulled him and Gelly off the dirt, "actually Geo, can we talk for a min."

Geo frowned, but nodded anyways, and he steered Treech off, away from their friends.

Treech flashed Gelly a smile, before following after he brother.

Geo leaned against one of the trees, arms crossed, and Treech had to admit, he looked scary, especially for what he was about to ask him, but he had faced worse, Treech knew that. He had gone into the hunger games for godsakes, hes killed people, but yet he was nervous about Gelly's older brother.

"So." Treech shifted on his feet uncomfortable, "I know, you don't like me dating your sister. . . Like at all, but Im not using her, I swear on it geo, I really like her, and I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt her. Shes literally the only thing thats keeping me sane after the games, shes like the whole world man—" Treech paused and pulled something out of his pocket, and turned it to Geo.

It was a ring, nothing flashy, but it was made out of wood, and Geo's eyes snapped open at the sight of it.

"Treech—" he went to say.

"No,no." Treech shook his head, "let me finish: i want to spend the rest of my life with her, no matter what, I'd do anything to keep her safe and happy, so Im asking you to just give me your permission. I don't want to have to do it behind your back."

Geo thought for a moment, before Pulling Treech into a sudden hug, "why the fuck would I stop you?"

Treech let out a relived laugh, "thank god."

Geo pulled back and looked Treech in the eyes, his hands still on his shoulders, "if you really like her, go for it. But if you hurt her, I swear to god Treech."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Treech flashed Geo a charming smile before he rushed back to Gelly and slid onto the grass beside her.

She was already talking to some of Treech's friends, and when he cleared his throat, Gelly turned to him.

"Oh hi, Treech." Treech didn't hesitate to pull her up, off the grass, and away from his friends.

"Come on, lets take a walk." He said to her, intertwining their hands, and leading her into the woods, he sent his friends a wink, and they look at him confusingly, but sent him thumbs up either way.

Treech led her to a patch of flowers, feeling nervous as ever, and Gelly noticing this, looked at him worriedly.

"Are you okay?"

Treech nodded, licking his lips as he turned to her, "better than ever."

Gelly nodded, as if she was waiting for him to go on, and after a few short moment he did.

"Ly, I meant it when I said I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you." He started, letting out a deep breath, "I really like you— actually scratch that, I love you Gelly."

Gelly's breath seemed to hitch in her throat for a moment, as she looked at Treech with wide eyes, and even with her startled expression he didn't waste a second to pull the ring out of his pocket.

"It doesn't have to be right away, but eventually, I'd like to get married to you." Treech said, smiling down at her.

Gelly at first Didnt no how to reply to him, snd Treech shifted on his feet in front of her, waiting impatiently.

"Do you not—" Treech went to say, but Gelly cut him off by crashing her lips against his, feeling bold for the second time today. Treech deepened the kiss, pressing harder into her, and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Gelly pulled back for a moment, "I love you too, Treech."

"So is that a yes?" He smiled cheekily.

Gelly nodded, "its a yes." Treech connected their lips against, and grabbed her hand to put the ring onto her finger, not once leaving her embrace.

"Holy shit, I'm engaged."

Sorry this took so long to get out, but its here now... like a month later? Oops, but this might be the end, I might make an epilogue chapter, I just have to figure out what to put in it, do you guys want one?

Holy shit they're gonna get marrieeeeeeed. I kinda ship this tbh....

But thank you all so much for reading this book, I rlly appreciate all the support!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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