|Thirteen |

472 18 15

G E L L Y— had tried to make Treech change his decision, but evertime she went up to the bars he'd; ignore her eyesight, refuse to talk to her, and pretended she didnt exist. She had tried to give him food multiple times, and after a few minutes of just waiting, the young boy Mizzen would jump up from his spot beside him and snatch the food away. She hoped it would be shared with Treech aswell. Mizzen would always mumble a low thank you, and look at her sympathetically, like he felt bad that Treech was ignoring her.

Days went by without Treech saying a word to her, and Gelly was beggining to loose hope. He had gone to his interview, and showcased his juggling, he talked about his family back in seven aswell, but not a single word about Gelly. It was like she had never existed, as if Treech had forgotten about her. She knew she needed to move on, but she just couldnt, espeically not with Gaius's death weighning on her. She had begun to skip all her classes, not leaving her bed other than to go to the zoo, but it would only dampen her mood further, and lead to Aetius having to console her when she returned home. Gaius was like her other half, no matter how much the pair had argued, they always had eachothers backs, and now Gelly's back was left abandoned, defensless. She blamed herself for the young boy's death, if only she had made him leave the arena before it was too late, or went to him, maybe if he wasnt injured he would have gotten away. That was Gelly's fault too.

"Gelly." Aetius said from the doorway, leaning against it sadly.

"Leave me alone." She mumbled, crossing her arms in the bed, she wore Gaius old jacket, it was far too big for her, and his initials were stiched on the front pocket since he was always loosing it.

Aetius sighed, "Im not going to do that."

"Why?" She frowned, as Aetius neared her bed, sitting down on the end.

"Becuase I wont let you waste your life, sulking in this Damn bed." He told her.

"This bed is comfy."

Aetius rolled his eyes, "you need to do something, Gelly."

"But I dont want to." She denied.

"I dont care, Gaius—" Aetius trailed off noticing her tension, "Sorry."

"Its ok." She spoke softly, pushing herself out of the comforters, "I suppose your right."

Aetius face lit up, like he didnt expect convincing her to be that easy, "Yeah?"

She nodded, thinking for a moment, "Treech goes into the games tommorow, I should try to get him to talk to me one last time, right?" 

"Atta girl!" He highfived her, pulling Gelly completly off the bed. She straightened herself out, the best she could with her knotty blonde hair. She didnt want to look like a complete mess infront of Treech, even though he would most likely ignore her, and not even look at her. It was still worth a try.

The air was chilly on the way too the Zoo, way colder than normal. The streets empty, not a single soul in sight. It was like everyone was afraid to breath, maybe for the fact they knew what was to come the next morning; the ultimate bloodshed that would take many innocent lives of young children. Maybe the capital did have some humanity left in them, but who knows?

The zoo was completly empty, besides the peacekeepers lying around, and the tributes dormaint behind the bars. She slowly walked towards the bars, scanning for the handsome boy.

"Treech?" She called softly, and a small body popped up behind the rock, it was Mizzen, his face lightning up as he saw her. He rushed over, a pep in his step, but his eyes showed fear, not ready to face the arena the next morning. "Oh, Mizzen."

"Hi Gelly." He smiled fondly, reaching to the bars, "Treech is sleeping."

"Is he actually?" She gave him a small smile back, to try and cheer him up.

Mizzen glanced back to the rock he had come from, taking a moment. Coral sat on top, almost gaurding the rest of the pack, Tanner stood on the front end, facing the bars, and Gelly could Just see the top of Treech's hair peeking out from behind the stone. "I dont know." He said quietly, "he just told me to tell you that."

Gelly nodded sadly, "Ok, I understand."

Mizzen looked at her sympathetically, then sighed, going back to the rock and pulling the hiding figure to his feet. Treech tried to shove him off and go back to his cover, but Mizzen only pushed him forward, toward Gelly and the bars.

Treech dusted himself off, glaring at Mizzen, who stood akwardly a few feet away. "Gelly." He avoided her eyes, shuffling on his feet.

"Hi." She said softly, "how are you?"

"Dont do that." He shook his head.

"Dont do what?"

"Act like this is okay, try to make this all better." Treech told her.

"Im not." She frowned.

"But you are." He shook his head, his eyes finnally meeting hers in days. They were sadder than she rememebered, the hope dimming from them. "Do you not get it?"

Her frown only deepend, squitining at him in confusion, "get what?"

"This can never happen, no matter how much we both want it." He said sadly, "Your capital, im district."

"That doesnt matter to me." She shook her head, denying his words. "I wont stop trying for you, no matter how much you try to push me away. Im not giving up."

Treech looked at her like he already knew that, and glanced towards Mizzen just a few feet away, who was most likely listening to their conversation, "Im sorry Gelly, but I wont let you."

"Im not giving you a choice."

Treech's figure straightened up, "Please, just accept my decision, Will you?—"

"No." She glared defensivly, "I wont let you throw this all away."

"Im not throwing it away!" Treech snapped angrily, "I dont have a choice!"

"But you do have a choice!" She argued, becoming hurt by his sudden aggravation. She wasnt used to it.

"I dont." He denied, "If I did, I'd still be fighting for us, but I wont be focused on you, not when my life is on the line. I cant risk that."

"Im not asking you to risk it." She told him.

"Its not something you have to ask." His eyes scanned over hers, before he took a step back, "you'll undertstand this eventually Gelly, maybe not now, but when you find a nice boy, and you marry him. You'll forget all about me, it'll be okay."


Story's over this is the last chapter, Treech dies and gelly marries Festus creed, and forgets him just like Treech said.... Lmao im joking, this story is far from over.... But Treech telling her to
Litteraly marry someone else is wild....

Dont forget to vote and comment
Ill see u next chapter!

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