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G E L L Y— and Treech, were happier than anything to be back together, within eachothers comforting grasps, it was sure that they would never let go of eachother again.

Gelly slid into the backyard of one of the houses in district seven, treech's. Her footing soft, as she was carefull not to get caught, she had planned to see to the boy, suprise him with her gidyness, and she almost had, untill she heard a branch snap behind hear. Gelly whipped around, eyes widening at the figure infront of her.

It was an older boy, and for a moment, Gelly had thought it was Treech, but it wasnt. The man was far too old, and the only similiarity was his dark curly hair, and maybe the axe raised to her.

Gelly took a step back in fear, scanning over the man who seemed angry, but he only took a step forward, following after her warily.

"Who are you?" He shouted, making no effort to keep his voice low.

Gelly didnt know how to respond, stuttering over her own words, as she swallowed back the lump of fear that had begun to rise in her throat, "I-I-"

"I said who are you!" He continued, anger bellowing off his voice as his gaze seered through Gelly, "You come to take my son away again? You little capital slut!"

His words made Gelly flinch, as she desperatly tried to put some space between her and the raging man, stepping back, she hadnt relized there was a log in her path, she tumbled over it, twisting her ankle in the process, as she fell onto her back. She wimpered, sitting up quickly, but the man was still stepping towards her, and she began to scoot back, trying to ignore the pain in her ankle, but it sent panick alarms through her head, was she going to die?

"You hear that?" He asked, "Maybe if I take out the next line of capital shitwrecks, then we'll all finnally be free. Free from the mess you lot cuased. Your just some rich whore, arent ya? You think you can come after my son, and just seduce him into your little cames—" Gelly whimpered, relizing that her efforts to escape were useless.

"Mark, Stop it!" A woman bellowed, hand over her mouth, as she stood frozen in the doorway of Treech's home. "You leave that poor girl alone!"

"I wont have some stuck up bitch, strut around my district, like she own the place, trying to get my son killed, you want him killed?" Mark screamed, his anger whistleing through the branches, "I might aswell just kill you now!"

The door behind the woman flung open, and a figure came speeding out, pushing past the woman, and diving into mark, sending him tumbling to the ground. The axe dropped from the man's hand, laying a few feet away, discarded.

"Are you fucking insane?!" The figure screamed, sitting on the man as he held him down, and Gelly didnt even have to take a second glance to know who it was, his dark curls, gave it away. Treech pushed the man's head down into dirt, anger seering off him twice as much, than Mark had.

"Shes just some capital slut!" He shouted back, trying to shove Treech off him, but Treech was too strong, and only pushed him harder. The man gave one last shove, making Treech fall off him, and the man towered over him, sending a fist into his face, grabbing Treech by the collar and pulling his head off the ground. If Mark hadnt killed Gelly, he was sure going to Kill Treech, his hand clamering up him, as Treech tried to push him away, and he sent Gelly a saddened look, but she couldnt do anything to help him, they both knew that.

Gelly didnt even have time to register what was going on, before Treech desperatly grabbed onto the axe, that had fallen just into his reach, and sent it slamming into the man's shoulder. He ripped it out as Mark screamed, clutching his shoulder as he stood up, stumbling back.

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