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T H E— only thing Gelly could think about was Treech, the next morning, her thoughts running rampage in her mind, she was even more worried for him now than ever before. She needed him to survive, she needed to see him again. She had tied Treech's fabric around her neck, clashing against the bright red uniform she wore, but she didnt care. It felt like a small peice of him, that she had with her, and it gave her a small sense of comfort to keep her going throughout the day.

It was around mid-day before anything else happened, Lucy gray came tumbling out of one of the tunnels, Jessup running behind her, they seemed to be running from something. . . Maybe the pack? But as Gelly took a closer look, she came to the relization that Jessup was the once chasing after her. He had white stuff foaming around his mouth, his eyes wild.

"Hes rabid." Lystrata noticed, Jessup chased Lucy gray up one of the pillers, shouting at her angrily.

"What did you do to me?" He had said to her, his voice echoing off the walls. Lucy gray only cried, trying to kick him away, but Gelly knew she would never kill him, the thought out of the question. She was close to Jessup.

Soon drones came into veiw, smashing into Jessup, filled with water. The boy screamed in surpise, stumbling off the pillow and into the cold ground beneath him, his bones letting out an eary crack. Lucy gray hopped off the beam, dropping beside him.

"Its okay Jessup." She told him, "just rest, you've watched over me, so now im gonna watch over you." Her voice cracked.

Jessup stilled completly, becoming lifeless as she spoke, and Lucy Gray wepted, though it was shortlived when the pack noticed her, and emerged from the tunnels, chasing after her. They began cirlcing around her, and Mizzen swung his net furiously at her, trying to look intimidating.

"Lucy graay!" Tanner sang, and Lucy gray attempted to make a bolt.

Treech slid into her path, pointing her axe at her warningly, "stay right there!"

Lucy Gray froze, taking a step back.

"The pack doing what the pack does best!" Lucky called, "packing it in."

Tanner swung at Lucy Gray, making her fall off her feet, collapsing, with a loud grunt. She attempted to make any act of saving herself, and grabbed a nearby brick, throwing it at Treech.

Treech jumped back, anger taking over him. "Hey coral, do you mind if I take this one?"

"Not a chance." Coral laughed, moving her Trident to take the final blow, but then Drones came swarming into the arena, attacking the tributes, making them fall, stumbling around to avoid, the sharp hits from the machines. Treech had managed to dodge one, sending it Corals way, but another one knocked him right in the back.

"Hey!" Gelly shot up, "You cant attack the tributes!"

"Im just sending water." Coriolanus glared, making Gelly scoff.

"Sure, im just going to send Treech water when hes dying." She rolled her eyes, a new sudden attitude coming over her, "oooh, Treech your being stabbed, let me just send you eight bottles of water!"

the room snickered around them, as Gelly sat back down Frusterated. She normally didnt act out of anger, but when Treech was on the line, she felt brave, she felt like she could say anything she wanted.

Lucy gray took the opportunity to hide, in the stands away from the pack. Coral groaned, grabbing onto Treech's jacket, and pulling him close.

"You two, collect the water then watch the beam. While we can atleast get your little friend from back home." Treech tensed at the mention of Lamina, but listened to Coral anyways, and rushed to get the water into the pile.

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