I make an enemy.

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💗Flashback: age nine💗

I walk up to a curly headed blonde boy in the audition room. We're the only two left "Hey-" I start while standing behind him.

"Buzz off!" He says angrily. Jeez! What did I do to him?

I try to fix it. "Sorry-"

"I-I don't care!" He says. Um, okay.

"Y/n L/n?" A woman calls out. Times up, my turn! I go into the audition a little shaken up from being yelled at by some random boy.

❄️a few years later ❄️

The kids name is Walker. Im currently in a movie with him and it SUCKS I hate it!! It's a live action movie. My character gets kidnapped and is forced to say information and the guy will set her free, but she doesn't.

Guess who the guy is? Bingo! Walker.

💋 two years ago💋

UGH! I GOT CAST IN ANOTHER MOVIE WITH HIM. we both hate each other.

He's entitled and mean. He hates me too.

I've been in about 7 movies now, so you'd think they'd stop putting me with him.

🎀Present Day🎀

I've recently auditioned for a new animated movie. 

It's about two kids who fall in love, classic stuff you know. But it's all crazy. He's famous, she's a bakers kid. He runs into her store and hides there...the point in the end is that it's all accidental and life is full of changes.

I'm going to be playing the lead girl in the movie! I haven't gotten a list about any of my other   co-stars though.

I arrive at the recording studio and they get me set up in a booth with another mic which is for my co-star. 

I skim over the lines with the director. All very cute. Except there's this one part where a girl pretends to be pregnant and then beats me up...huh who would wanna write about that?!

Me, I would. I love this script. 

"Okay, we went over lines wit him. He good to go in?" A woman comes and asks the director. 

"Yeah! Let's get this started." Our director, whose name is Rick, says.

I turn to see who I'll be working with.

Oh my fucking gosh.

It's Walker Scobell.

'Buzz off!' A Walker Scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now