🍫we talk🍫

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"Sorry, one second." I say and hurry out of the room.

I accept the call. It's actually from the home phone since Nico doesn't have one of his own yet.


if you're 11: he's 9

If you're 12: he's 9

If you're 13: he's 11

If you're 14: he's 11

If you're 15/16: he's 12)

"Hey squirt, what's up?" I ask, phone pressed to my ear.

"Y/n are you really coming home tomorrow?!" He asks excitedly.

"Yeah! Yeah I am! We're gonna get to see eachother! We can eat and bake, and play games. Whatever you want." I tell him.

"Yes! I've been waiting foreverrrrr" he says dramatically. "Is Walker around? Or is he gone already?" He ask me.

"He's in the other room right now. You want me to grab him?" I ask.

"Yes please! He's awesome." Nico says.

I open the door

"Hey, Walker you mind talking for a second?" I ask 

"Who is it?" He asks me

"HI WALKER!" an excited Nico yells through the phone.

"Nico!" He exclaims.

"Guess what buddy, McKennas here too! And you've only met him once, but do you remember Aryan?" He asks.

"MCKENNA AND ARYANNNNNNN" I can hear him jumping around.

"Hi Nico!" McKenna says

"What's up dude?!" Aryans asks.

I hear my aunts voice. "Hey, sorry buddy phone time is gonna run out in a sec. You on the phone with y/n?" She asks him from a distance 

"Yeah! And Walker, McKenna, and Aryan" I can practically feel his grin.

"Alright, well then. Hi y/n! Hello Walker, McKenna and Aryan. I'm sorry, but the minutes we payed for on the phone are about up. I'll have Nico give you a ring tomorrow when they reset. Love you!" She says

"Bye Aryan! Bye McKenna! Bye Waller!  Bye Y/nie!" He says and hangs up.

"Y/nie?" Walker grins at me with this new found information.

"Yeah, it's what he calls me sometimes when he wants to embarrass me." I roll my eyes.

"They'll get stuck like that!" Both McKenna and Walker say and Aryan and I explode into laughter. 

🍬the next day 8:30am🍬

I hug McKenna goodbye before she goes to the airport. "I'll come visit, okay?" She tells me.

"I'll miss you! Also, PLEASE let me meet the girl who plays Missy, she's SO COOL." I beg her.

"Love you y/n! Bye!" She waves and she's soon in her car driving away.

My flight does leave until tonight  and neither does Walker's.

Walker went with Aryan to the airport to say goodbye about an hour ago, so he should be back soon. I go into my room-it's weird that I've spent more time in Walkers room than mine.

I finish packing my stuff up when two hands cover my eyes. "Guess whoo?" I put my hands over them. I decide to joke around "hmm...McKenna!" I laugh and his hands uncover my eyes.

Walker gasps dramatically. "How could you?!" He puts a hand over his heart. I wrap my arms around his neck and look up at him. He wraps his around my waist and pulls in closer. 

"Woah, wait. they're gone!" He says surprised

"Who's gone?" I ask and look up at him and my e/c eyes lock with his icy blue ones.

"I-I meant the hickeys" he explains and doesn't make eye contact 

"Why are you stuttering right now?" I ask and use my hand to move his chin down so he'll look me in the eyes again. He blushes heavily.

Why is bro being shy right now-

"I-uh-uh-I-" I cut him off.

"Walker your tongue has literately been in my mouth, I think it can explain something to me." I look at him expectantly.

"Oh fuck-" his face gets completely red at this point and he turns it away "y/n that's wild" he laughs.

❤️optional Walker pov for fun❤️

"Woah, wait. They're gone!" I say looking at y/n's neck. Damn I thought the hickeys would have stayed for a few more days.

"Who's gone?" She looks up at me and her e/c eyes are too much and I have to look away. Oh my gosh she's just like, ugh. She's just so pretty I actually can't.

"I-I meant the hickeys." I pick a random spot on her bed to look at.

I feel her hand pull my chin down. I have to make eye contact with her now. Not that I don't want to, it's just embarrassing to be shy.

"I-uh-uh-I-" FUCK. I can't speak right when she looks at me like that. 

"Walker, your tongue has literally been in my mouth, I think it can explain something to me." She looks up at me and I physically can not function right now. 

"Oh fuck-" I turn my head away. "Y/n that's wild" I laugh at her.

💙back to the reg story💙

"It's just surreal that this whole thing is over and in the process I've gone from having the-the prettiest girl I've ever seen go from being my enemy, to my friend, and now I'm standing here talking about how the hickeys I gave her faded." He laughs softly.

He runs a hand down my waist and leaves it on my hip.

"Crazy how we're gonna go a few days with absolutely no physical contact." He looks down at me, he's shaken off his nerves.

"Yeah. Unless you just come home with me." I bat my eyes at him and he laughs.

"I want a waffle. Let's go get some waffles." I take his hand and we go out to The Waffle House.

"Okay, why are these hitting right now" he says as he starts on his third waffle.

"Because they're waffles." I say and cover my mouth since I have food in it.

🖤😔emo time (10 minutes before y/n's flight home😔🖤

"It's just a few days. We got it." He says

I look up at him. He looks down at me. Our impulsive teenager mines in sync. He kisses me but since he moved so quickly his arm accidentally presses down on my stomach instead of going behind me.

"Oh shit," he moves it off send places it behind me. "Sorry." We go back to kissing.

When we walk out of the room, I have my hickeys back.

(Sorry guys didn't feel like writing a make out scene right then bc 


'Buzz off!' A Walker Scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now