I feel sick.

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When I wake up from my nap my throat hurts really bad.

A take a deep breath and my nose is stuffy.

I'm sick. I can't be sick. 

No. No, no, no, no, no, no. I can't be sick.

I hate being sick. I try to hard to avoid it. Throwing up is one thing-but I can't deal with anything else.

I clutch my blankets closer. Ugh, my head hurts. It literally throbbing.

I release my blankets and stand up.

I just see black for a second, but when I'm vision comes back I grab my phone.

I draft a text Walker.

y/n: I'm sick. 

I delete it. I'm not saying sick.

y/n: I'm under the weather rn

What the fu-

y/n: not feeling good don't come over

I send that one. 

He reads it, but doesn't respond. Good.

I have to shake this off. Get rid of it.

Whatever this is hurts. It's not a stupid cold either. 

I slump against the wall. I hate being sick. I look at the window across the room. I look at my door beside me too.

The doctor told me at a yearly checkup it was a thing from association with mom.

It can't be. She's dead. She died. I'm not dying. Nico needs me, so even if I wanted to I wouldn't.

Oh my gosh my head is literally about to kill me. I pull my body into a ball against the wall. I press my hands to my cheeks. They feel too warm for my liking.

My head is spinning. Is my nose bleeding right now? It feels like it. I close my eyes.

The door opens. "Woah." I don't even want to know who this is.

Rattling of something stops and it sounds like it got put down on a table.

Arms carry me. I know whose arms they are. My body fits just right in them. "Walker..." I mumble into him.

He puts me back in bed. 

"Can you sit up for me?" He asks me.

I do and struggle to keep my eyes open.

"I know you're gonna hate me for this, but open your mouth." He tells me. I open and hear the rattling again. He slips an aspirin in, then presses a cup to my lips. I hate taking medicine.

"Take it." He instructs me. I look up at him holding the cup and take a sip.

The pill and water sit in my mouth for a second as he removes the cup. He looks back down.

"Swallow." I do, reluctantly. 

I adjust myself so I'm more laying down rather than sitting.

He pushes my hair off my face. He leaves his hand in my face for a second.

"My gosh." He says quietly.

"Are you-like-okay? I'm worried about you. You seem really si-" He's not finishing that.

"I'm not sick." I roll over onto my stomach to avoid eye contact.

💙Walker pov💙

"I'm not sick." Y/n rolls herself over after cutting me off,

It's okay, I kinda deserved it. 

I know she can deal with throwing up 'because you know it'll end' but she refuses to get sick in other ways. But I'm genuinely concerned with the fact that she is really hot.

In a temperature way.

I'm fine with her being really hot the other way.

The aspirin I made her take should help with the temperature.

She takes up about half of her bed. I walk around to the other side and sit down next to her gently. Trying not to rock her.

I lean my head back on the wall and sigh. I run a hand through my hair. I don't really like my hair. Y/n's crazy about it though.

My dad kinda hates it too. Mom thinks it's cute because of the curls. 

I don't really care what they think about my hair. I care about the fact that they're divorced. It sucks. I have to pack up stuff up just to see my dad.

He's kinda mean, I think he likes my little brother better than me. 

I look at y/n. She's asleep. Her eyes are relaxed, her breathing is slow and steady. She's gorgeous. I'm so lucky to have her. Seeing her tried is making me tired. I lay down next to her.

"Mmm" she says and scoots closer to me. There's a little voice in my head that holding me back from pulling her all the way close, and it's so hard to listen to it.

I stroke her hair as she settles again.

💙two hours later💙

I slept for like an hour, and y/n's still out. Somehow while we slept our bodies mangled to tangle together and her heads on my lower chest, her legs are split of one of mine and her hands is on my arm.

One of my arms is around her, I figured at this point if I'm gonna get these germs I already have. The other holds up my phone while I scroll through TikTok.

'Me if my future kids tell me Walker Scobell died'

"That was supposed to be your daddy-" nah that's crazy. I'm fifteen. 

Y/ns head lifts up "daddy?" She asks. Okay. I'm weird as fuck but is she calling me daddy or asking why my phone said it. I genuinely have no idea.

"Huh?" I'm praying she'll just fall asleep again.

"Walker, can we have a baby?" She asks, she's delirious. I'm pretty sure my eyebrows just shot all the way off my fucking forehead. 

"Oh...we should probably get married before that" she rolls over so her back is on my chest and she's staring at the ceiling.

"Sorry but unfortunately I don't think that's legal, sweetheart." I tell her. I love calling her that. I called it 'sweetieee' once to get on her nerves, but then sweetheart stuck.

"Well we don't hafta tellll anyoneee" she stretches her words out.

"Hey, remember-remember that time...wayyyy back in uh Adam projecttt?" She asks and turns so her stomachs on mine, but probs her upper up with her elbows

"Which one baby?" I look up at her.

Her body drops and she lays down on me. "I was cryinggg...and you hugged me" I do remember that.

"Waittt woahhh. Did you just call me babyy?" Her head turns upwards.

"Sleep y/n." I tell her and tuck her hair back. 

"My throat feels better. My head kinda does tooo" she pulls a me and starts to draw circles and shapes on my chest. It feels nice.

I feel her forehead, still a bit too warm.

"Sleep." I tell her. I feel kinda bad, bossing her around. "Open your mouth for the aspirin, take it, swallow, sleep" blah, blah, blah.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

'Buzz off!' A Walker Scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now