We play truth or dare.

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⭐️After recording for the day⭐️

McKenna and Aryan got to go back to the hotel early. Walker and I are playing the lead characters, McKenna is playing the girl who goes psycho so they need her there a lot, and Aryan is playing my best friend in the movie.

(Guys help I don't know who would play who in my own fanfic 😿)

(I'm thinking  Y/n: y/n Walker: walker Momona: McKenna Aryan: Aryan)

We walk back to the hotel together. "Are we like...friends now?" He asks me tentatively.

"I...don't know. Maybe?" I respond.

"My hoodie looks good on you." He says. 

I look down and I blush. Oh my gosh, I'm wearing his hoodie.

"Sorry. You want it back?" I ask.

"What? No. I told you to keep it." He laughs.

"Oh..okay." I say as we arrive at the hotel.

I get a text from Aryan

Roman Empire Pookie 😽:

hey girl McKenna wants 2 know if u n Walker wanna come ovr 2 play t or d


yesss we'll be there

"We're going to Aryans to play truth or dare with him and Kenna" I tell him.

"Damn, you didn't even ask me first! What if I had plannsssss" he says dramatically.

I laugh. 

When we get there Aryan and McKenna are sitting on the floor. We join them.

"Hmm y/n...truth or dare?" Aryan asks me.

"Truth!" I respond.

"Why do you hate Walker?" He asks

"I-I don't hate him. We just got off on a really bad foot I think." I respond.

"McKenna! Truth or dare?" I ask her.

"Dare!" She says confidently.

"I dare you toooo...post your most recent photo on instagram!" I say to her.

"Oh my gosh y/n!" she laughs it's a .5 of her that Aryan took.

"Hm...Walker! Truth or dare?" She asks him.

"Dare!" He says "nothing with Oreos though."

"I ONCE WATCHED HIM DOWN LIKE SEVEN OF THOSE IN A ROW!" Aryan exclaims while laughing. We all wind up laughing so hard my stomachs hurt.

"Okay, ready Walker?" McKenna asks.

"Yeah, yeah..." he bursts out laughing again.

"Walkerrr!" She laughs too.

"Okay, I'm ready, I'm ready!" Walker says and pulls himself together.

"Hmm... I dare you to..." she thinks some more.

"Kiss y/n."

'Buzz off!' A Walker Scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now