💗I love you.💗

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"Can I ask you something?" Walker asks me

"Yeah, of course. You know basically everything about me, what's one more thing gonna hurt?" I respond smiling.

"Do you remember when you were drugged? At all?" He asks me.

Memories rush back to me, throwing up, kissing, hugs, oh getting robbed...

"Yeah! Quite a bit." I tell him.

"Do you remember, um...telling me you loved me?" He asks quietly and I shoot up.

"I did?! Oh my gosh. I'm sorry, that was probably uncomfortable for you. I-" he can tell I'm about the ramble and puts a hand on my arm

"Woah, calm down, calm down. I said it back. Don't worry."  He says softly.

I get on top of him carefully so I can give him a hug. His hands snake around my waist and hold me tight to him.

"I love you y/n." He whispers to me.

"I love you too Walker." I whisper back and begin to roll off but he doesn't let me.

"Come on...let me off. I don't wanna hurt you." I say to him.

"You're hurting me more by getting off y/n" he says stubbornly.

I sigh and stop squirming. Then I ask "How?"

"I just sleep better with you here. Also I can look at your pretty face while I doze off." He laughs. Damn medicine comes on random swings for this kid.

"Are you sure?" I ask him.

"Yeah" he says and I rest my head on the side of his chest not near the bruise.

😽next night, 9:30PM😽

We're laying under the covers in bed watching TV. He's reapplying his chapstick right now.

Walkers medicine has worn off completely by now, and his injury's have started to heal. 

We've been watching South Park for a solid half an hour when he turns over.

(Reminder that making out, kissing, hickeys, and other stuff do not have to lead to sex guys. 👍 there's a big difference and you're both minors and y'all best watch it or ima backspace💋💋 all of that stuff is completely different then sex and it's normal to j do taht and not have sex pookies)

"Oh my gosh. You're just gorgeous y/n..." he says to me. I feel my get get red.

He leans over me and kisses me, I cup his cheek.

He breaks it. "Okay...just to check. We're both thinking straight right now?" He asks while giving me smile.

"I am. Are you?" I ask back, returning the smile.

"Yes ma'am." He answers before putting his lips on mine again. Damn...coconut lipped Walker might be my favorite kind. 

This time instead of immediately putting me in his lap, he stays over me for a minute. We start of kissing sorta slowly, breathing normally...but after that minutes up we get faster. 

One of my hands gets lost in his hair while the other holds his neck.

Since he's leaning over me one arm is used to hold himself up, but the other is on my waist. Kissing him feel so natural and comforting.

He pulls away and sits up. I quickly sit too. "Come here." He says and I swing my leg over him again. I'm now fully sitting in his lap. LETS GOOO

I scoot closer until I can't anymore. He kisses me again and I feel his tongue run along my bottom lip and I open my mouth slightly and he slips it inside.

I slide my hands up under his shirt, he gets the message and it's on the floor soon after.

We readjust quickly, this time he has a hand on my cheek, and one on my lower back.

Mine are both (you guessed it:) in his hair.

He breaks the kiss for a second before he uses his thumb to tilt my chin slightly upwards. 

He looks at me for permission before beginning to kiss my neck gently.

"Is this okay?" He asks softly and moves his head up to look at me.

"Yeah." I laugh and so does he before his lips find my neck again. At first he's just kissing, until he finds a spot that makes me tug on his hair a bit. "Shit...sorry." I say.

"Don't apologize, means it's the right spot." He says.

"For wh-" I have to clap a hand over my mouth in order not to let noise out as he starts to give me a hickey. 

I roll my head backwards and I feel the hand that was lifting it up move. he takes my hand off my mouth. He interlocks our fingers gently.

"It's okay. You're okay." He says and stops with my neck and goes for my lips.

He stops kissing and I look at him. I whimper and pout my lip, signaling I don't want him to stop.

He rolls his eye and smirks at me before leaning in again, this time it's my turn to stop. I dodge the kiss and he falls over and on top of me and we both laugh at ourselves.

I blush when I realize he's shirtless and fully on top of me now. It gives him easy access to my neck again though and he starts on another hickey while I run my hands through his hair.

We hear the click of the doors lock and he immediately rolls off of me and pretends like he's asleep. I pretend to be watching tv.

"Oh, hey y/n!" Aryan says clueless.

"Hey Aryan, Walkers asleep right now. Sorry!" I whisper.

"Oh that's okay! I just wanted to see how he was doing. How is he?" Aryans asks.

"He's feeling a lot better." I pinch him under the covers as if to say 'Walker, wake up!'

He pretends to wake up. "Oh, hey Aryan!" He says with a smile.

"hey man, just came to see how you were. Looks like y/n's taking great care of you." He smiles 

"Yeah, she is." Walker smiles back at him

"Okay, also McKenna wants to know of you guys are free tomorrow to do something I'm honor of our last day here. Can you make it?" Aryan asks us.

"Yeah, sure!" I say.

"Okay, great! See you guys then." He closes the door behind him.

I turn to Walker "oh my gosh, do you think he saw anything?!" I ask.

"No. Also, it wasn't like we were...you know, like doing anything R rated. Just kissing." He reassures me.

"Yeah, but you're shirtless." I say and grab one of well-muscled arms. Okay, that sounds weird but his arms are strong and very attractive.

(Guys look up a picture of him as the karate kid it's very attractive.)

"Yeah...but I mean that's your fault you kinda helped me take it off." He laughs and I blush.

"Oh, buzz off!" We both laugh and he kisses me again.

'Buzz off!' A Walker Scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now