I stutter a little.

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"Oh good grief!" I mumble.

"Nice to see you too sweetheart." Walker says to me.

If you're wondering why he called me sweetheart, it's because one of my characters names was Sweetie, short for Sweetheart.

Nothing lovey dovie about it.

Another girl and boy take spots across from us. 

It's McKenna Grace and Aryan Simhadri my long time friends. Walkers friends too though. Blah.

I wave at them and so does Walker.

We look at each other waving and both stop waving.

I see McKenna and Aryan look at each other and suppress laughter.

"Okay, ready kids?" Rick asks us.

We all give him a thumbs up.

I have a song a have to sing. It's be my baby by the Ronnetts.

While I have my headphones on with the music playing. I'm mid belt when I look over at Walker and he's just staring at me.

I stutter my words. FUCK.

"Oh my gosh, sorry!" I say to Rick.

"You're good. Redo that line and we'll patch it together."

Why did I stutter? Ugh.

🎀🍨On break🍨🎀

McKenna IMMEDIATELY pulls me to the side. "I saw that!! You looked at him and git all flustered and stuttered! Ahhhh! Love is in the airrrr" she says dancing around me.

"McKenna! I-It's not like that!" I say. FUCK! I STUTTERED AGAIN.

"HA! You stuttered!" She says

"Uhhhhh stoppp" I say playfully

"Stop what?! Ooo what are you talking abouttt" Aryan says as he and Walker come over.

"Nothing." We both say.

"Suree" Aryan says. Walker doesn't say anything.

"Y'all wanna grab icecream before we have to go back?" McKenna asks.

"Um, not with him." I say and look at Walker.

"Yeah, not with her." He says back.

"Oh well, too bad! You're coming!" She says to us.

'Buzz off!' A Walker Scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now