🧪We comfort my little brother.🧪

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"I want you to live with me." He says.

I stop walking, stunned by this information.

(Y/n be better then me bc I would have been like "OKAY WHEN DO I MOVE IN 😻😻😻💪💪")

"W-what?" I stammer out.

"I want you to live with me." He says,  confident this time.

"But what abo-" he cuts me off.

"My family literally has offered three times for you to come live with us-I DIDNT even mention it they just came up with it. Sorry for cutting you off by the way." He tells me.

"But Nico-" 

"Nico can come too. We have room. My brother and sister are with my dad right now, and I'm with my mom."

(Guys idk why but I feel like I need to give Walker an issue in this story and in the last fanfic his parents were divorced so we're uh...bringin it back 💀 also this is definitely NOT foreshadowing a later chapter guys! 😽)

"Okay." I tell him.

"Okay?" He confirms.

"Yeah." I give him the most of a smile I can muster, and he returns it with a big one.

"We can talk about it more tomorrow." He adds on.

At this point we've made it all the way around the block. "Ready to go back in? I'm getting cold" he laughs and I do too.

"Oh yeah, one hundred percent." I say and we walk inside.

When we get there I freeze in my tracks on the sight I see. It's Nico, he's in the lobby. But it's not just him hanging out, he's coughing really hard and his eyes are welled up wit tears.

"Nico!" I run over to him.

He whips around and he look seriously scared. "Y/n!" He gasps out of breath. "Y/n!" He says again. Not being able to breathe right has caused him a panic attack.

"I can't-I can't..." he's gasping air like he's about to drown now.

"Shh...shh...shh..shh don't talk buddy don't talk." I try to pick him up so I can carry him but Walker pushes me aside. 

"Here." He says and lifts a breathless Nico 

"Th-" he tries to thank him, but Walker cuts in.

"Come on buddy, listen to your sister don't talk for a second, okay? We've got you. No big deal." We get to his room and I reach into the pocket of Nico's coat. I find his key and unlock the door.

Walker lays props him up on a pillow. 

"Y-y/n?" Nico asks. Oh fuck, I know what he's gonna ask for. I've been doing this since he was a kid, we started it in 2016.

"Yeah buddy?" I respond.

"s-sing?" He's starting to be able to form words again, but still freaked all the way out.

Now I have to sing a gosh damn song from the Trolls movie.

"Okay." I say and sit down.


"You with the sad eyes..." I start, I don't know why we picked this song. Probably because the library had a free CD of it.

"Oh I realize, it's hard to take courage." I grab his hand and his breathing slows more.

"In a world full of people, you can lose sight of it all the darkness inside you can make you feel so small." I take a breath. He calms down and even looks tired. 

I lean in and give him a hug.

"And I see your true colors shining through, I see your true colours, and that's why I love you." 

I pull back from the hug and see he's fallen asleep. Poor kids probably exhausted.

"Hey Walker can you..." I don't see him and try to turn my head, when he sees me looking for him and comes infront of me and leans over.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Um, could you prop a pillow up for him to lay on?" I ask him.

"Yeah, of course." He grabs one a puts it up. I lay Nico down on it.

I sigh, I hadn't realized it before but i'm exhausted.

I feel Walkers arms pull me up off the bed. "Mmm" I make whatever noise that is because I don't feel like talking.

He leads me out Nico's door and then asks. "You wanna sleep in your room or mine?" 

"Uh...um..." I try and think about what I want.

"Too slow, mine." He takes both of us inside and then says "I'm gonna get changed, you can stay there if you want." He smiles, grabs his pajamas and goes into the bathroom.

I would have just them him stay here not gonna lie.

(New chapter will be out sooonnn)

'Buzz off!' A Walker Scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now