🌲 together🌲

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I follow her and she begins to throw up. I hold her hair back behind her.

She stops and breaths. "I'm sorry" she says.

"F-for what?! You heard Ryan, this is good. I-It means it's getting out of your system." I pull the hair tie I keep on my wrist for her off and tie her hair back.

She pukes again while I rub her back.

💋Chapie breakie shakie💋

It's three in the morning and y/n's body is resting on top of mine. We sat there until she had thrown up everything she could. She brushed her teeth (if you have retainers or braces you also cleaned those y'all 👍 😽)

Then I carried her back to bed (even though she insisted on walking) I got her a drink and an hoodie( so she could sleep comfortably) and laid down next to her.

She crawled up onto me and fell asleep. I'm trying to hard not to move. Her head lifts up slowly. "Walker?" She whispers.

"Yeah?" I answer softly and look down at her.

"You think I'm better now?" She asks me.

"Yeah, yeah. One hundred percent, sweetheart..." I whisper to her.

She leans up and gives me a kiss, she tastes like strawberries. She tasted like them earlier too.

I could kiss her forever.

I wonder if I taste like coconut...

🍬y/n pov (YAY ITS YOU!)🍬

Walker kisses me and he tastes like coconut again. Ugh, I love him.

"So...watcha wanna do today?" He asks me and flashes me a smile.

"Hmm...let's go for a walk!" I whisper and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Sounds perfect." He says and winks.

☂️morning time 7:30 am☂️

Walker and I are both up. He's dressed in a dark blue shirt and I'm in a deep pink one.

"You look nice" he says as he ties his sneakers.

"Thank you!" I say as he comes up and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"So, how about that walk?" He smiles and takes my hand.

He puts on a pair of sunglasses and gets one out for me too. "Thanks, handsome." I say.

He blushes and laughs a little. "Where'd that come from?" He smirks at me.

"You look handsome, I call you handsome." I smirk back and we start our walk.

Halfway through the walk we run into paparazzi. People start taking pictures of us. He turns to me and whispers "just go with this." In my ear. "Go with what?" I ask him. "With this." 

He leans in and kisses me, he moves the hand off my ear and places it on my cheek.

After enough time for them to get pictures he pulls away and we continue with our walk.

A few minutes later I check my phone and see some articles. I roll my eyes. 

"Hey, they'll get stuck like that." He says.

"Oh, shut up" we laugh.

He gets a text. "Hey sweetheart, you alright if I get lunch with a friend later today?" He ask me.

"Yeah, of course." I say.

We get back from our walk around 8:45am. 

"Okay, we got three hours." He says to me.

We spend it hanging out, making TikTok's, and watching tv.

When it's time for him to go he gives me a quick kiss goodbye. "It feels like we're married." I laugh.

"Someday sweetheart, some day." He says and walks out.

(Again y'all, sweet one but YALL BEST PREPARE FOR THE STORMMM😾🔥🔥🔥😽😽)

'Buzz off!' A Walker Scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now