🥤Messed up Movie premiere🥤

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🖤Time skip: movie premiere🖤

We all get dressed up for the premiere of the movie.

I have this pretty red dress that makes my body look great, not to mention beings out my eyes.

Walker wears this black suit and a red tie to match me. I internally jump for joy when realizing this.

Aryan wears a green shirt and black pants.

McKenna wears a blue dress and black leggings underneath.

"Ready to go?" Rick asks us.

He gets a mix of 'yeah!' 'Yesss!' 'Nope!' And 'not reallyyy'.

All of the notes and not reallys are sarcastic though.

When we get there there are tons of people.

Walker takes my hand and we go down the red carpet together.

"Y/n! Y/n! Can we interview you?!" A reporter asks me.

"Sure!" I say and walk over.

"Is it true that you and Walker Scobell ate dating?!" She asks me.

"Yep! Been true for a few months now." I respond.

"How wonderful! What changed your minds so rapidly?!" She asks intently.

"Well, one night we were left alone." I start

"Then, we started asking and we realized we didn't actually hate eachother." I finish.

"Oooo. Enemies to lovers! It's like a fan fiction." She laughs and I laugh along to.

When it's time for the movie to start we all sit and watch our characters come to life.

It's funny, emotional, it has great music. Hell, if I wasn't in it I'd go see it.


🍨after the movie is finished🍨

We head to the after party with all the cast and crew. There's about 150 people there, not counting reporters.

I'm two sips though a cup of some cinnamon tasting juice I was offered when I start to feel woozy. At first I think I must have accidentally had alcohol. But, it's not like that.

It's different. It feels like I might just drop to the floor.

I stumble around trying to find my friends.

I can't find them anywhere.


I look for Rick or Ryan Reynolds or Jennifer Gardener, just someone who could possibly help me who I trust.

I wind up running into Aryan.

By the time I reach him I can barely form proper sentences. I need someone to help me.

"I...Walker..." I say slowly and out of breath while swaying.

"Oh gosh, Uhm are you okay? Here." He helps me find somewhere to sit and he runs off to grab Walker.

 Walker finds me he sits down next to me "hey, what's wrong? You feelin okay?" He puts a hand on my shoulder.

I make one an attempt to explain this strange feeling,

but then he starts spinning, 

and my world goes dark.


Walkers pov:

I hurry over to y/n and a put my hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, what's wrong? You feelin okay?" I ask her 

She just mumbles some words and then she goes kind of limp.

Oh shit, what's wrong with her?

I shake her and she stirs. "Y/n? What's wrong" I ask her.

"I feel...like foggy. In my head." She says softly.

"Okay, um...let me see if I can get someone to help you out." I say 

🚀y/n pov🚀

 I see McKenna walking over as he leaves.

"GIRL what's wrong?! Aryan said you were like gonna pass out." She asks me.

"I honestly have no idea...it's like all foggy."  I respond to her.

"Oh damn. Where'd Walker go?" She says me

"To go get someone to help out." I answer

"Alright good" we see him walking over with someone "No way bro got Ryan fucking Reynolds" she says and slaps her head.

They come over and Ryan looks at me. "What's wrong, kid?" He asks and seems concerned.

"I'll be fine." I say, I don't wanna make a big deal out of this.

"Y/n shut the fuck up and explain" Walker says and pinches his nose. Ryan elbows him.

"Sorry!" He says.

"Your eyes look red. Are you uh...high?" He asks unsure.

"What?! No! It's just like all...foggy...? I dunno." I say

"Have you had anything to eat or drink that tasted funny?" He asks me.

"Uhm...I had some sort of cinnamon tasting juice thing?"

"Oh you dumbass y/n" Walker says

"What?!" I ask

"Uh...that normally means someone's drugged it." Ryan says to me.

"I only had like two sips." I say

"Okay, so that means your body will probably try to fight it off. So that means you're probably gonna start-"

Suddenly I'm hunched over and I puke all over his shoes.

"...throwing up." He finishes.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry." I say

"It's alright, not your fault." He says.

"I'm gonna recommend you all head home for the night. Or at least Walker and y/n." He says.

"Hope you feel better, kid." He says to me. He turns to Walker. "You make sure she feels better." He points at him and walks away.

"Okay...uh...y/n and I are gonna go. You guys can stay." Walker says while he takes my hand and stands up.

"Are you gonna be okay y/n?" McKenna asks me.

"Oh yeah, just gotta sleep it off, you know." I say and giggle

"Oh for sure. See ya girl." She says and gives me a hug.

"Byeee, love you Kenna!" I say

"Love you too y/n!!" McKenna says as she waves good bye to us.

Walker and I walk to the hotel slowly. He has his arm around me to 'make sure I don't fall'

"It's cold out here." I say making conversation 

"Yeah. Sorry I don't have a jacket right now...I'd give it to you." He says shyly.

"Thanks, walker." I lean into him as we walk.

"I'm sorry I wasn't with you when they gave you that. It definitely wasn't an accident." He says to me.

"It's not your fault, Walker." I respond with. "I mean it's not like you were gonna try and kill me or anything" I laugh. 

This makes him laugh too. His laugh is like music my ears. It's so perfect.

We reach the hotel and go inside.

"If someone asked me what happiness sounded like, I'd say your laugh." I tell him.

I see him blush.

"Oh my gosh y/n. You got drugged and you're still flirting with me" he laughs his head off at this.

"I'll never stop!" I say as we reach my hotel room.

We open the door and are both in shock.

It's completely turned over.

'Buzz off!' A Walker Scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now