what does that mean?

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We've been kissing for a minute when he pulls back.

"You taste good." He says absentmindedly.

I laugh so hard while I say. "Walker, what does that mean?" 

He starts the laughing too. "You just like-I Dunno! Your lips just taste sweet!" Thank you cotton candy chapstick from fourth grade. I owe you.

"Thank you?" I say with smiling.

"You're very welcome." I say and we go back to kissing. My hands are on his shoulders this time, I'm not touching his hair yet. His are on my waist.

He's just about to switch positions when the door swings open.

"Okay y/n do y- AHHH! EYES AND EARS GOING FOR A WALK ILL-ILL COME BACK LATER!" Nico closes the door.

We explode into another fit of laughter.

"Oh my gosh. We just can't not make out. Ever!" He says in the middle of our fit.

I slap my hands on my knees. 

We stop, look at eachother and start again.

When we settle down he wraps his arm around me and I scoot in close.

"Does Nico have...uh...asthma?" He asks me tentatively.

"It's kind of complicated. It's a really long story you probably don't want to listen to an-"

"I'll listen. Whatever you have to say I'll listen...Always." He interjects softly to cut off the ramble I'm about to do.

"Oh...uh.." I'm blushing. Gosh, I feel like a kid again.

"Did I make you flustered?" He laughs at my face, so I turn it away.

He turns it back with his hand though. "Nuh-uh-uh." He places a kiss on my lips, but not long enough for me to kiss back. I try to and he pulls away. This makes me blush even harder.

"Walkerrr" I say, face burning at this point.

"Yes, sweetheart?" He asks while moving his face close enough to kiss me.

When I separate my lips to kiss him, he pulls away again. He's about to say something else but I throw myself on top of him. 

It pushes his back up against the couch and I land on top of him. 

Our lips stay locked this time, until he pulls away, breathless. "We'll, That was attractive." He tells me wide-eyed.

"I didn't know you could push that hard." He nods in approval.

"Don't remember from when I kicked your ass?" I giggle.

"Okay, puberty hadn't kicked in yet so that doesn't count. I could easily win that now." He says smugly.

"Yeah, just like how you one that fight with Momona." I roll my eyes.

"I didn't fight with Momona." He says, confused.

"Then who beat your ass after lunch?" I ask.

"I got jumped." He laughs at me.

"What?!" I say and remove myself from on top of him.

"If I tell you can we keeping kissing please?" He asks, he's being needy and clingy right now for some reason.

"Sure." I promise.

"Yeah, I was walking back and these two kids beat my ass. My grey sweatpants got so dirty I couldn't wear that pair anymore." He laughs at the last part.

"Okay, done. Now come back." He tells me and moves toward to kiss me.

I place a hand on his chest and make him stop.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask.

"Y/n pleaseeee" he begs for some more contact.

"Aryan and I both thought Momona kicked your ass for some re-" he cuts me off.

"Y/n of you don't get over here I am going to lose my shit." I know he wouldn't talk to me like this if he knew I didn't like kissing him, so it's attractive.

"Hmm...no." I tell him and stand up. He grabs my wrist.

"What's wrong? Why are you being so clingy?" I ask him.

"Because you're literally perfect! When a perfect girl kisses you, you don't want her to stopp. You're the most perfect girl or woman or whatever-just human being at this point! I've ever met. I need some affection right noww" he flops over.

I sit down next to him. "You actually mean that?" I ask.

His head shoots up and he stares at me. "Yes." He says like it's the most obvious thing ever.

I cup his cheek and give him a kiss. When we pull apart he rests his forehead against mine.

"I love you." He tells me.

"I love you too." I respond.

I wrap my arms around him and hold on to him. He does the same. I feel his hands on my back. They begin to draw shapes and patterns. 

I fully relax into his shoulder. "Mmm" I say at the sudden moment when he pulls me a little closer.

"Sorry." He whispers in my ear.

I yawn. "I don't know why I'm so tired." I sigh.

"Jet lagged? Long flight? You sleep better when you're with me?" He lists a few options off.

I fall asleep right on his shoulder.

💙Walker pov 💙

Y/n is jet lagged and tired as fuck. She just fell asleep on my shoulder.

I pick her up carefully, trying not to wake her.

I successfully keep her asleep ("you can tell bc it's still my pov-")

I place her down on her bed and then just pause and stare at her.

Not in a creepy way or anything, just looking her over. She looks younger when she's asleep. 

I realize she's just a kid, and so am I. It's weird to think if she didn't try and beat my ass a few years ago I never would have had a crush on her.

I remember that day.

'Buzz off!' A Walker Scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now