We fight.

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I mean I don't think I'm necessarily bad luck, I think she's just got a bad streak going.

She's got some issue that we need to fix. Turns out the only way to give her medication is to like not let her know about it..? I don't even fucking know Nico just kept saying random stuff.

"Okay. no more medicine." He finishes it with.

"Got it." I lie.

"Good." He says back. Y/n starts to move.

"I'll uh...see ya." He walks out awkwardly.

"Walker?" She asks.

"Hi. We need to talk. Now." I tell her.


"Okay?" I tell him.

"Look, you've got problems that I don't know how to deal with." What? That was blunt. What happened to 'we can work though it'? 

"You need to tell me what is going to set off these...episodes." He waves his hand at the word.

"What?" I ask.

"I can't be responsible for all the throwing up and passing out and crying. I need to know what to do to stop it." He repeats.

"Well maybe don't giving me random fucking medicine when you know I have problems with it." I tell him.

"I wouldn't if I knew you were gonna pass out from it." He snaps back.

"It's not my fault." I say.

"It's your fault for not telling me." He says.

"I-" he cuts me off.

"Look, y/n I get it. I get the issues. I understand PTSD and your body doing shit you don't want it to, but when I have to go get Nico to come in here and tell me I can't give you medicine like that? And then he has to take your clothes off so you don't overheat again?! That's too much." He tells me.

I swing off the bed And grab my shirt. I pull it over my head. "Even for me." I pull the jeans on.

I walk right up to him, right up next to his face. I feel tears well up. "Then don't put up with it. Leave." I brush past him and walk out of the room.

"Y/n, wait you know that's not-" I'm already out in the hallway.

I walk out of the lobby with footsteps on my trail.

"Y/n! Come on!" He yells as I make my way outside.

"Go away Walker! Leave, if it's too much leave." I shout back behind me.

Footsteps speed up and my arm is yanked. I'm spun back.

"What?" I ask him.

"Get back in your room. Then we can talk." He tells me.

"I don't wanna talk." I tell him.

"You don't mean that." He sighs.

"Maybe I do." I shrug.

"Y/n-you don't-" he takes a long breath in.

"Please. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. This is just confusing." He looms genuinely scared.

I drag a breath in.

"Walker." I say.

"Yeah?" He asks quietly.

"I'm sorry too." Hands intertwine.

We make it back to the hotel room.

"Okay. No medicine for now, but we're gonna go to a special therapist for that. She's gonna help.   If you do take medicine, I should keep you awake. If you get sick, until the lady helps, we don't make a big deal of it." He resights what  we talked about.

"Yeah." I say.

"Yeah." He says back.

"I love you." He looks over at me.

"I love you too." I kiss him.

'Buzz off!' A Walker Scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now