You, Of All People

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Lena's POV

Something was wrong with Stef. She left so precipitately, and she didn't even wait to walk with me to the parking like she usualy does in similar cases. Also, she drove super-fast, like I lost her track at some point, but now I'm finally home.

"Honey!" I shoot once I close the door.

"I'm here." I hear coming from Stef in the living room and that tone is one that I'm not sure I had ever head.

"Oh, what are you doing in here?" I ask as I put down my purse before going to sit next to her.

"Waiting for you." she says.

"Does your head still hurt? Are you okay?" I ask, putting my hand on her back and that makes her instantly stand up...

"Yeah, my head is fine." She says walking on the other side of the coffee table.

"I just didn't want to ruing Brandon's day..." she says, with such expression on her face.

"Why would you ruin it?" I ask, not liking at all where this is going as she sighs and takes a sit, and I can already feel that terrible tension between us and I know Stef, when she's like this, so calm, I know that inside she's boiling, but this is different... it's worst.

"Are you having an affair with Monte?"

And now I know that it's time to come clean, and that I would have to face the consequences because she's asking, but I can see that she knows at least bits of what happened, otherwise she would have never asked me such thing.

"No!" I say immediately. Because for me, that wasn't what I call an affair, it's not, I never slept with her, I never even wanted to.

"Are you in love with her?"

"No!!" I says, horrified by the simple thought that she can think for a second that I can be in love with someone else than her.

"So there's nothing going on between the two of you?" she asks, her eyes already watering.

"Why are you asking me that?" I ask, for someone must have tell her something, there's no way she would ask such thing as I watch the hurt spreading all over her face, and her eyes filled with tears.

"Why don't you just answer me?" she says, trying to control her voice the best she can.

"There's nothing going on." I answer, for it's true, there's absolutely nothing going on between me and Monte, and it never will be.

"What about when you kissed?" she asks her voice cracking and full of pain, and I hate this. And I hate Monte because she must have said something to her and she had no business talking to my wife and believe me, she's going to hear about it.

"I did not kiss her, she kissed me."

"Why didn't you tell me?" she says after a deep sigh as her face change from pain to anger and I know that I can't lie, that I have to say everything that happened.

"Because I didn't want to upset you." I say honestly.

"And what did you do when she kissed you, huh?" Stef asks, raising her voice a little.

"I... I kissed her back. But it didn't mean anything, it lasted barely a minute Stef. I should have told you about it because it was nothing." I try to explain as I can see that her eyes are on fire, I'm not even sure she can see me right now as the tears are falling over her cheeks, and I hate myself for that.

"When?" she asks, as I can tell she wants to sob, but she's not going to do so in front of me, that I know.

"Before Mariana's dance competition."

"So you have been lying to me for months... You... I can't believe this, I fucking can't believe it!" she says, hurt and anger written all other her face as I know now that I broke her trust and that she'll probably never look at me the same.

"I didn't tell you, but I didn't lie to you Stef. I pushed her away and I made it very clear that I'm in love with my wife. It never happened again, and it never will. Stef, you have to believe me." I say, staying in the couch even though I just want to be close to her, but I know better than invade her space right now.

"I don't HAVE to do a damn thing you say! I remember asking you if you knew that she liked women and your answer was "she was married to a man" and you knew at that moment that she was into you, you knew and you lied! How many times did you lie to me in my face, huh? How many times did you fuck her and tell me that you got caught up at work, Lena?!" she literally yelled this time, almost making me jump, but I couldn't let her say such thing. I can't even imagine myself sleeping with another woman, I could* never, and she should know that.

"I didn't fuck her! I never slept with her, I would never do that to you! And I'm sorry that I lie, I just didn't want you to feel threaten, but I never did anything behind your back." I defend.

"Oh yeah, of course, anything except having an affair, right? So what? Does she comfort you every time your terrible wife is being a bitch? Does she tell you all the things that you want to hear, that I don't say to you? Tell me Lena!" she yelled, standing up as my heart is ponding so damn hard into my chest, and my eyes are burning with tears.

"Stef please, listen to me. It wasn't an affair; the kiss didn't mean anything. I get that you're angry but..." I start to try to reason her, but she cuts me off.

"That kiss, Lena, mean that you cheated on me and..." but this time I'm the one cutting her off.

"I didn't cheat on you! I never slept with her!" I scream crying, because I hate... I hate that the world cheating is coming out of her mouth, I hate it.

"Kissing her, talking behind my back, confiding in her, lying to me, for me that is an affair, and that is cheating; and I never doubted you, Lena; I never thought you, of all people, that knows what it feels like to be cheating on... I never thought you would do this to me... I'm so disappointed, and most of all I'm so disgusted... You... I can't... I can't even look at you anymore... just go to her if you want, just keep doing what you've been doing for months now. Even better, invite her over, tell her your wife is finally gone." She says with the most calm and cold tone ever and by that I know she just closed her heart to me, and that it will be my biggest challenge to crack it open again.

And with that she walks out the living room and left, slamming the front door before I hear her car driving away...

I just stayed there. Paralyzed, with tears falling nonstop, for what am I gonna do now? Stef is the love of my life. I can't lose her, I can't get through this life without her, she's a part of me, I can't... I can't do this without her, she is my wife. What have I done?

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