Just Once

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Stef's POV

Maybe I went too far with Lena tonight... well, these days if I'm honest, but I've been particularly hard on her tonight. She's right, she was standing up for me, and she's also probably right about the fact that if she hadn't said anything, I would have reproach it to her as well.

Tonight, I realized that as much as this situation is hard and painful for me, it is the same for her, or maybe even worse because I know she feels guilty on top of everything.

I park in our driveway and see that Lena had not arrived yet. I know by the way she screamed at me that she's angry too, and mostly frustrated with me and maybe with life in general as well.

I'm honestly so tired of fighting and be angry at her, yet I can't seem to shut it down in order to work on our relationship...

I'm glad that the kids are not home tonight because I'm not sure I can handle anymore drama today. Each one of them had a sleep over to one of their friends or boyfriends or girlfriends, and usually that just annoy me, but right now, I'm glad.

I get inside the house and immediately jump in the shower to relax my tensed body. When I got out, I almost bump into Lena that was searching for her pajama to get in the bathroom as well. She doesn't say anything or looks at me and just pass me to get into the bathroom, closing the door behind her which we never do for it's our bathroom in our bedroom and the kids don't come in here.

Anyway, I waited for her to finish, to maybe try to apologize. Eventually she got out of the bathroom, her pajama robe on her and she immediately starts to take her pillow and a covert from the bed as I frown my eyebrows.

"What are you doing?" I ask, as she doesn't even look at me while I'm sitting on the bed.

"I'm going to sleep on the couch. The kids aren't here, you can finally have a night of peace away from me." she says, before going toward the door, but I didn't let her. I stand up and quickly reach her arm to make her turn around and look at me.

"No wait... Lena... Look, I'm sorry for tonight, okay? I'm really sorry." I say honestly looking into her sad eyes that I still love so much.

"Okay..." she sighs, with such a weak voice, her head down and I think she must be tired too as I slide my hand along her arm to reach her hand, thing that I haven't done in such a long time.

"Stay here, in our bed, okay? I'll even let you touch my hair... I mean, if you still want to..." I whisper as she looks up to my eyes.

"I still want to." She says softly, flashing a shy smile, before she brings her hand on the top of my hair at first, gently stroking it, and then she brings both her hands around my neck to slide them up in my hair, and God... the feeling of her, touching my very short hair, is giving me chills for this sensation is new. It's not the same as when my hair was long, I can feel the sensation deep in the skin of my head which is a very sensitive part of the body.

"I love it. It's so soft." She says so tenderly as I sigh, and my head instinctively lay back in her hands as she keeps playing with my hair. My mouth opens slightly, without me even controlling anything anymore because my body is taking over. I'm completely melting in front of her, and I just want... I just want her as she put her forehead against mine. By now I'm very aware of how close her lips are to mine, and I can barely breath as she keeps sliding her hands in my hair, then down the side of my neck and back up again, making my heart feel so warm and my lower belly tingled.

Her smell is invading me and it's making it hard to think as she softly rubs my nose with hers, her mouth also slightly open since I can feel her breathe on my lips as the passion in my body is slowly wakening.

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