She Broke Your Heart

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Lena's POV

I eventually got in the car to go to Chandra's house. It was no secret that I love the party she throws every year for her cat, and it was so amusing to see Stef hating the idea, but then ending up loving the party.

It surprised me a little to have Stef telling me that she wanted us to move on when we were in the bathroom. I could see she was still struggling a bit with all of this, and despite my best effort, I can't do all the work alone, and I'm glad that she realized that.

Although, I know why she's so stress tonight. The idea of seeing Jenna for the first time in months must trigger her and the fact that it is mostly because of me doesn't help.

"Stef, are you okay?" I ask, seeing my wife being so tensed on the passenger seat, her leg jumping up and down.

"Yes, why?" she says, not really turning her head to look at me, but staring at the road instead because I know her anxious mind is going crazy right now.

"I... baby, I know that seeing Jenna again is making you nervous, but I mean is there anything that I can do? Maybe I should see her first to apologies or something, I..." I offer before she cuts me off.

"Lena no, don't go talk to her and make the party about us again, you've done enough." Stef says immediately, hurting my feelings on the way once again.

"So much for wanting us to move on." I say very disappointed this time. I really thought we were going somewhere, I thought she really wanted us to get better, but I guess she'll never forgive me... I guess no matter what I do, I'll always be the woman who cheated on her, and she will always throw it out in my face every chance she'll get.

"Alright, and now you're angry at me. I mean her girlfriend was in fact in love with you, she has the right to be mad at you, and I hate that she doesn't talk to me just because I'm your wife." She dares say to me.

"Oh I'm sorry! I'm sorry that you married me, I'm sorry that I'm a shitty wife and I'm sorry for even having come because clearly you don't want me here, you really should have said so, and I would have let you go alone and spare you the humiliation of being with me in front of Jenna!" I blurt out right before parking the car, and with Stef making a shocked face, I just couldn't be around her right this moment and so I just got out of the car and walk inside the party without waiting for her.

While I put a fake smile on my face to greet everybody, I see Stef walking in and doing the same thing. At one point of course I walk into Jenna that barely acknowledge me but that's not even a surprise giving the situation.

So I go and talk with Chandra, Shane and the others, I guess I better stay close to them and chat while Stef is doing God knows what for I don't even want to see her.

She just pisses me off and I'm sick of feeling attacked. Each time I think that we are getting better, I get so disappointed when I realize that all she is doing is promising that things are going to change, wanting it, but then doing nothing to actually help the situation.

I mean what else can I do. I've already cut it off with Monte. I apologies countless number of times for being disloyal to Stef. I pull up every day with her constant anger and passive aggressive comments toward me. I'm so very patient with her and all I get is reproaches...

I love Stef with all my heart, I do, but I'm seriously getting tired of being the bad guy. I'm sick of feeling her frustration and anger towards me for I think that I deserve forgiveness for my mistake, she punished me enough and if she's really never going to put that behind us, then I really don't see the point of staying in a relationship where old grudge is holding against you forever.

Stef's POV

I swear to God that woman is going to make me lose my mind. She knows I'm stress out about seeing Jenna again, she knows that it's kind of her fault along with Monte's. Yet, she's angry at me when I tell her not to talk with Jenna.

It's true that I could have express myself better, that is one hundred percent true, but I don't want her to speak to Jenna and make it worse, and I won't apologies for that.

When I walked into Chandra's house, I greeted everybody and then I go straight to Jenna because this is killing me as I can see that she saw me, but act like she didn't.

"Seriously Jenna, we're like this now? You're going to avoid me forever?" I ask coming toward her anyway because I was done playing cat and mouse. We were going to have a real conversation like two grown adults.

"Oh Stef, hi! You cut your hair, doesn't suit you that well." she attacks immediately as I can see and smell that she's already tipsy.

"Alright, you're still angry. But can we talk? I mean... Jenna, why being angry at me? I didn't do anything to you." I say for I get that she doesn't wish to see Lena or speak to her because she hasn't been honest about what happened between her and Monte before she got involve with that woman. But I didn't do a damn thing, and still, it's like we are not even friend anymore.

"Because you're not a loyal friend Stef. Monte broke my heart, and where have you been, huh?" she says a bit too loud if I'm honest for I don't like people hearing what's going on in my life, so I pull her on the side as she doesn't resist much since she's probably stone as well by the way her pupils are dilated.

"Jenna you're not serious. I called you several times and you haven't responded. Besides, I was busy trying to save my marriage. This situation didn't only affect you."

"Exactly! Lena cheated on you, she broke your heart, I know she did because you've always seen her as the most perfect woman in the universe, and still, you're still with her." Jenna says as I was getting so confused by the way she sees the whole thing.

"But Lena is my wife. She's the mother of my children, I can't just throw away my marriage because of a stupid thing she did only once. Besides, you can't blame Lena for Monte not loving you back. Okay, it sucks and maybe she should have told you what happened between the two of them even though Monte could have told you as well. But I'm sorry, you can't compare my marriage to the few weeks you spent with Monte, I mean you know like me that this is not fair."

"Wow. You would really accept anything for her, huh? Stef, she was disloyal to you, she humiliated you and she made another woman fall in love with her, I mean... what would it take for you to realize that Lena is not that ideal woman that you think she is. You're literally ready to lose your best friend over a b..." and before she could say one more word, I stopped her right away.

"No! No Jenna don't you dare. Lena is not ideal, I never said she was. No one is ideal, but I love her. And for your information, nobody can make someone fall in love with them. I love you Jenna, I do. You're my best friend, it's true. But don't make me choose between you and Lena, because no one on this earth can compete with her, there's no doubt to have about that. Now the ball is in your court. You want to be my friend, fine, I'm ready for forget that you almost insulted my wife. You don't want to forgive Lena, that is your choice, and I can't force you, and I'll be your friend anyway, but don't make me chose between the two of you, because you know fully well that Lena is my whole life, and I'll always chose her."

And with that, I let her be and walk away because just the thought of someone just intended to insult Lena is more than what my nerve can bare, no matter how much she can piss me off.

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