Stay For The Kids

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Two weeks later

Stef's POV

My nights had become awful. I can't stand sleeping next to her anymore. I can't even find sleep in my own bed because of her, and I have to work on top of that. It's been two weeks and I'm staying for the kids, and only for them, but right now I don't want to go home. I don't want to see her face, I don't even talk to her anymore, I avoid her as much as I can and I absolutely don't want to sleep next to her, and I want to be able to actually have a full night of sleep because I can't not have enough sleep when I'm working in the street. I have to be alert and that is not going to happen if I can barely open my eyes at work, and I can barely close them at home.

On top of that, this fucking tweet about Lena and freaking Monte. "Guess who's bumping booties?" they say. How humiliating is that. My kids saw this, my colleagues saw it because their kids go there and I can tell them all I want, I can say that it's not true, but I know it is, that it's true and I can't stop thinking about it, and it's driving me crazy.

So it's decided... I'm leaving home.

I'm always so angry there and my body is starting to hurt from it. My back hurt, my shoulders are also tensed, and they hurt, my jaws is always clench, and I... I can't keep going like this.

I grab a suitcase in the garage, I went upstairs, pack a few things before I go tell the kids that I won't be here for a while. Of course, to protect them I'll say that it's a thing for work that I have to do because I can't have five worried teenagers of top of everything, but I will go sleep in my mom's apartment since she's in some trip for a few months. It will give me some space to think at least.

"What are you doing?" I hear Lena asks as she comes in our bedroom. She was supposed to be at work at that time, fuck.

"I... I'm going to live somewhere else for a little while. I need to get out of here." I blurt out, for I don't have the patience to spare her feelings anymore.

"What? No! You can't do that!" she immediately screamed, as if she can dictate what I can do or not after what she did.

"Oh, hell I can. Last time I check I was a free woman." I answer feeling my heart breaks even more because I hate when I'm like this with her. I've always had a harsh tone when I'm angry, and even with that, with her and the kids, I try my best to control it because I know how a simple voice tone can hurt. And today I find myself not giving a shit about my tone, especially with her.

"No, you're a married woman. Stef we are married, you can't just leave. I don't want you to leave, please!" she says, her voice trembling as she's probably crying, but I wouldn't know because I still can't look at her. It's been two weeks, and I haven't been able to look at her, not even once.

"You should have thought about that before getting involve with your boss." I say, my voice shaking as well, because I don't want to leave either, but for my own sanity I have to.

"Stef please don't do this, don't leave me, I need you! The kids need you... I love you Stef, I don't want to be away from you, please!" she cries as I continue packing, feeling my broken heart breaking all the way through it because I love that woman so much, I love her to death, and that's why it hurts so much that she betrayed me... she is my favorite person in the whole world, she is the love of my life and now... I can't even stand to be around her any longer.

"Maybe it's what we need, maybe you need to be away from me. At least I do, because I can't breathe here anymore. It hurts too much to see you every day, it hurts so much to see you go to work, to her, every single day... I need some space, I need to think, and I can't think here, I can't..." I say, closing my suitcase and putting it on its wheels.

I honestly thought about asking her to quit, but that's not how we can solve this problem, it would just add more in our plate because we can't live on just my salary. Besides, asking her to quite is one way of saying "I don't trust you around her" and that would be the worst of all, because if I can't never trust her around someone, then it's the beginning of the end.

"Then stay for the kids. If it's not for me, stay for them, please, I'm begging you."

"I'll tell them I have something to do for work for a while, I'll call them every day, and they have you anyway." I say as I grab my purse as well, before I intent to walk out of here.

"Stef please! No! I want you to stay, baby please." Lena now sobs, clenching to my arm, as I try to get away from her to be able to move, and because I can't have her touching me still, not after she touched another woman.

"Get off of me, right now. I told you not to touch me." I say very seriously as she put her hands away.

"Okay, okay I won't touch you. But please, please don't go. I can't do this without you Stef, you're my wife, I'm your wife, please..."

"I'll be in my mother's apartment. I'm asking you to not come see me. I hope you'll at least respect that. Don't call either, I need space from you right now, that's all I ask, space." I say, for I don't want her to worry too much about where I am. Also, if there is a problem with the kids, she has to know where I am. But I hope to God she won't come visit because I might lose my damn mind.

"I'm not okay with you going, Stef." she says, as I sigh, not even having the energy to scream anymore.

"I don't care." I say, clearly, and then I just left with my suitcase...

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