Can We Talk?

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Stef's POV

I feel completely numb right now. I don't even know what to do, the only thing I'm sure of is that I don't want to have Lena in my face right now, and since the kids are not here, it was easier to just leave the house.

I can't believe she did this. I can't believe Lena, of all people had an affair... that she kissed someone else.

Some may think that I'm overreacting, that it was just a kiss, but it's not just a kiss, she hided it from me, she lied to cover it up and she had a relationship with that woman that I want to kill already! I better not see her face because I swear, I don't know what I would do. I won't go see her because I know I won't be able to control myself, and that I'll be the one in trouble if I destroy her face, but she better change her way if she sees me, I swear to God.

I can't even go to Jenna's now. She has been kind of betrayed too, by her girlfriend and by her friend, and I can't go over there telling her how hurt I am, when she's hurting too, I can't do that, because she didn't ask for this. So I went the only place I could think of, I went at Mike's. Our other friends would want to know what happened and I feel enough humiliated as it is. At least Mike won't force me to talk so I went and knock at his door and a few seconds later he opened it.

"Hey, what's up?" he says, already in his old pajama that he has since forever.

"Hey, hum... can I crash on your couch tonight?" I ask, my face probably showing that I'm not okay at all, but I can't even pretend right now. My world in falling apart, my marriage is... I mean I don't even know how to describe it anymore so...

"Should I ask?" he says, looking concern.

"Nope." I say honestly, for I don't want to talk about it at all. I just want to sleep and forget about everything.

"Okay. Well, come in. I'll go grab you some coverts." He says, without asking any more question for which I'm glad as I put my head down and walk in as he closes the door.

If he knew why I'm here, he would probably laugh about how karma finally got me for what I did to him... or maybe he would just be sorry for me, because no matter what, he's a good friend and he had always been here for us when we needed. I don't know... I don't know anything anymore. I've always been sure about one thing in my life and that was Lena, but now that I can't even be sure of that, then what?

How is life going to be now? Fuck. She really fucked that up this time. More than I ever did. When people look at me and Lena, I'm sure they think that if something ever go wrong, I would be the one to blame. And I honestly can't blame them, because I've always felt the same, I've always been scared to fuck it up with Lena, because she's always so perfect, I mean she has her flaws, but not flaws that can break up a marriage, but this? I mean now, I can't picture living my life with someone that I don't trust, and I clearly don't trust Lena anymore that's for sure...

"Here, I grabbed you a pillow as well. You can take a shower if you want, you know the way and tell me if you need anything, okay?" Mike says, as I force a smile.

"Thank you, Mike." I say softly and he nods before going into his room, leaving me with my thoughts that I'm sure I won't be able to shut down tonight, or any other night now for that matter.

Lena's POV

Stef didn't come back last night, I called and called, over and over again, and she didn't pick up. She didn't spend the night here; she didn't even come back in the morning. The kids arrived around noon, now it's dark outside again, and she still haven't return and I have no idea what to say to them and I'm worried, and I don't know what to do.

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