Chapter Two

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Lexa Pov
Me and Lincoln are in the squad car and I am turning red as he pretend to think about where we should go for lunch "hmm maybe we should go to that Chicken place down the road or somewhere with Mexican food. Ohh wait it's Wednesday" i think I am getting redder by the second "ok Linc seriously stop making fun of me I just like the food at KB's" he starts laughing "more like the people who serve it. Seriously Lexa you need to do something. We have been going to KB's every Wednesday and the bar she works every Friday with Luna don't you think it might seem creepy to her. Just ask for her number or by her a drink when she gets off. Just do something because this is getting painful to watch" "ok don't act so innocent because I am not the only one suggesting we go to that bar." "At least I have a pair and can actually take to the girl I like" I just sigh knowing he is right. "Whatever get out of the car let's go in" We walk in and there is already a line of people waiting and the guy with a name tag that says Kane looks pissed. "Oh there's a pretty long line and only one person working maybe we should go somewhere else lex" Lincoln says trying not to laugh "just sit down and we can order later" now he isn't even trying to hide his laughter as we sits down.

We sit and talk for a while when I am just getting ready to leave thinking maybe she called in and that's why no one else was working with the guy. Until I hear the door open and she comes in with the Latina she is always with. Kane says he will deal with them later and I find it kind of funny how they just look at each other and blow him off. Once the line is gone I ask Lincoln if he wants to go up and order but then Kane starts yelling at them so we will probably just wait till he is done. But we both can't help but over hear as he yells about them talking about us all the time. I just ignore it on the outside but on the inside I am freaking out about why they are talking about us and if it's good or if they think we are creepy like Lincoln said this morning. Lincoln kicks me under the table and I look up to see him smirking at me and I just blow him off knowing he herd the same thing I did.

I try to ignore him yelling at them but soon he is talking about there financial problems which is something he is not aloud to talk about and swearing while implying he is going to fire them. I look up and see both women in tears so I stand up and Lincoln follows me clearly upset about it too. When we get to the counter he is saying how he is supposed to explain to us specifically why we had to wait and I take that as a perfect chance to step in. I tell him about how it's not ok the way he is treating them but he seems to just blow me off. As I talk I try to ignore the way Clarke is looking at me completely amazed and Raven is giving a weird look to Clarke. I try to think what that's about but I focus on their manager for now. He just tells Clarke to take our order and walks away which was rude but whatever.

When she walks over to take our order she wipes the tears off her face and I feel so bad for her. I tell her to keep the change like usual which is something I don't do anywhere else so Lincoln slightly elbows me amused every time but I ignore him. I especially want to do it now after hearing how the two girls share an apartment in a bad part of town. She goes to walk away but I just want to remind her that she doesn't have to deal with this. So I tell her that he isn't supposed to treat them like they and that they could get a different job if they wanted. She smiles and I smile back and walk back to our usual booth. When she brings out food I can't help but smile at her and when she smiles back it's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Lincoln kicks me again "What" I ask getting annoyed with the kicking and elbowing but he just laughs.


The next week when we go to KB's the two girls arnt there yet and I can tell Kane is starting to get mad. This time we just stand in line. Once we get to the front I hear a commotion at the door and then turn to see Clarke and the other girl running to get inside the building. I can't remember the other girls name because she doesn't have her name tag on. I check my phone and realize it's one minute from the top of the hour so they are probably just trying to clock in on time. It's confirmed as they both run to the till and take a turn typing something in on it. Once they are done the brunette says "no way, it's Wednesday and we actually made it on time good job Grif" I laugh a little at there playful attitude and the nick name and I am pretty sure Lincoln is laughing at me, but I ignore him.

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