Chapter Seven

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Lexa Pov
I text Lincoln to tell him that something came up and that I wouldn't be meeting him and Luna at the gym like we usually do on Saturday mornings. I know Lincoln would be laughing his ass off if he knew that something coming up would be laying in bed holding Clarke till she wakes up so she doesn't think I left her. Clarke starts to wake up as I hear her breathing start to be less even.

She rolls over out of my arms and reaches a hand up to block her eyes from the light shining in while she mumbled "oh fuck my life." I laugh a little at her clear hangover and she turns to look at me not noticing where she was before. She quickly looks around the room before says "shit what happened last night" it hurts a little that she probably doesn't remember our small kiss but I already suspected that. "What do you remember" "um I remember you walking with me into my apartment building" I decide to make a joke so with a straight face I say "so you remember pushing me against a wall and making out till one of your neighbors told us to get a room?" She instantly turns beat red and I can't keep a straight face any longer and I start laughing. "You're joking?" I just nod not being able to talk through my laughter "screw you" she says while she playfully pushes my shoulder before putting her face in my blankets.

"No seriously what happened" her voice is muffled through the blankets. "Well um we went in your apartment and you changed. We decided it would be better to stay at my place because of well you know and then I cleaned your arm up a little and we talked then went to sleep" she lifts her head and looks at me wearily "did I tell you about what happened" "ya" she just sets her head back down and sighs. I put a reassuring hand on her back "it's ok Klork" I hope she doesn't regret telling me.

"How do you always do that" she says while sitting up. "Do what" "your always so nice and no matter what happens to me it doesn't change the way you look at me" "Clarke you can't change what happened to you so why would it change the way I look at you" "don't you think I am gross because of all the things that I have done or have happened to me. they make me gross. Why don't you see that" my heart breaks again for her because she thinks she gross and that I am supposed to see her that way just because of what Fin did to her when she had no control of it.

I put my hand on her jaw and move my thumb in small circles on her cheek. Just like what she did to me last night "Because Klork you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen" I say as I lean in to kiss her. She is shocked for a second before she starts to kiss back. She lifts her hands and drapes them over my shoulder before she starts playing with my hair. I add that to the mental list of things Clarke likes to do. Eventually I am sitting with my back against the wall with her leaning against me with her head on my chest still playing with the hair at the top of my neck. We stay like that till the sun is a lot higher in the sky.

"Are you hungry" "ya but I am to comfortable to do something about it" I lightly laugh at how cute she is being "should I call in an order to be delivered from the dinner on 5th street" she just hums in response so I take that as a yes. "What do you want" "what ever you're getting" she says in a tired voice. She must really not have been getting that much sleep. I wait till she falls back asleep before carefully getting out of bed so I don't wake her. She wines and grabs another blanket and holds it seeming content. I go to the kitchen and call in the order before laying back down for a while. When the doorbell rings Clarke wakes up and follows me out of the room. We eat our breakfast even though it's lunch time in a comfortable silence. "So what do you want to do today" I ask trying to start a conversation. "I don't know" she says back not really focused clearly still trying to wake up. "Would it be ok if we went back to your apartment later and I could help you clean up" this gets her attention and she just nods.

Soon we are standing outside the door to her apartment. We stand there for a while and I don't want to pressure her into thinking she has to go in so I say "you can go hangout at Ravens place while I do this if you want" a while ago she explained that her and Raven had moved and got different apartments. She just shakes her head no then opened the door. I start cleaning up the blood and broken glass while she hangs her paintings back up. Then I clean the blood off the bathroom floor while she gets it off the counter. The apartment looks great but we haven't touched her room yet.

Once we go in there I take off her sheets along with all her bedding and bring it to the basement of the building and start a loud of laundry. When I go back up everything else is fixed besides the blood in the carpet and the holes in the wall. "My landlord is going to hate this" Clarke says while running a hand threw her hair clearly stressed out. "Luna has a carpet cleaner we can borrow and I can have the wall fixed by tomorrow we will just have to run to Menards and get some stuff" she just turns to me and says "really?" "Yep, let's go swing by Lunas first"


It's late afternoon when we pull back into the parking lot of her building with the carpet cleaner, a sheet of dry wall, spackle, and some paint. She cleans the floor while I remove the old piece of drywall and put the new one in. I fill the screw holes and even out the edges with spackle and soon me and Clarke are painting the new section of wall while Raven watches since she came over to see what all the noise was.

"So what even happened to the wall" Raven asks when we all sit down to eat super. Neither of us respond so she reaches her own conclusion "oh I see Clarkie likes it rough" I almost spit out my drink when she says that. I look up to she Raven with a big smirk looking between the two of us and Clarke with her head in her hands. She doesn't correct Raven so neither do I cause Clarke clearly doesn't want to tell her what actually happened. Once we are done eating I say "well I told Luna I would give that back to her tonight so I should get going" suddenly Raven is in a helpful mood and insists she will take it to her for me. Now me and Clarke are the ones joking till she says "shut up" and leaves.

"I am sorry about her" Clarke says still embarrassed about Ravens joke earlier. "What you don't like that idea Clarkie" I say in an amused tone. She turns red and just shakes her head. "Do you want to watch a movie" "you can't change the subject that easily but yes" we move to the couch and Clarke lays between my legs leaning her back against my front. It's clear Clarke is very much a physical touch kind of person. Not even 10 minutes into the the movie she falls asleep. I wait till the movie is over to stand up "don't leave" she says in a sleepy voice as I pick her up. "I am not I am just moving you to the bed" she rests her head between my collar and jaw. When I am about to go in her room she says "wait, I don't want to go in there, can we just stay on the coach" "of course" I say as I walk back and lay her on the coach. I lay on the ground next to the coach before Clarke says "come late next to me" "there isn't enough room" "ya there is" so I get up and lay on the coach and she snuggles into me. Turns out there is enough room if Clarke is half on top of me but it was the best night of sleep I have gotten in a while.

That Sunday morning we go to my house and just watch movies all day laying in each others arms. That night Clarke seems to be stalling going home so I ask her if she wants to stay and she does. She slept over every night this week and on Friday I decided to stay home and not go to the bar. I set up a little super for when Clarke came back to my house after her shift which seemed kind of normal now even though she still asks if she can. We went back to her apartment to grab some things a couple times and it seems like she is scared of her room and I don't blame her. It also seems like Fin doesn't know where she is staying because he hasn't bothered her all week.

She walks in and looks exhausted but her face lights up when she sees diner already made. I walk up to her and hug her from behind while she takes her shoes off. "I missed you" she said and I say it back before laughing a little "what?" she asks. "Nothing" "no tell me Lexa" "we act like an old married and we aren't even dating" "why aren't we" she says as she turns around in my arms with a smile on her face. "So you want to" I ask getting excited because I didn't know if she was in the right state of mind with the whole Fin thing. "Ya" she responds "ya?" She just nods and we kiss for a minute before sitting down to eat supper. I clean up while she showers and changes. When I go in my room she is already asleep and it makes me happy how comfortable she is here and around me. I lay down with her and she turns around so she can cuddle me and I think I couldn't be happier.

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