Chapter Eleven

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Lexa Pov
I watch as the most beautiful person in the world walks towards me down the aisle. Lincoln pokes me in the back and i hear him chuckling behind me. I realize then that I am crying so I quickly wipe the tears off my face. When she stands next to me and we take each others hands I feel like I could just stand here with her forever as we look into each others eyes. Once the ceremony is over we kiss and as we start walking out there isn't a person a who hasn't shed at least one tear here. We only invited people we are close with so everyone in this room knows both of our pasts and we wouldn't have it any other way.

The day before our wedding I had Clarke take one more pregnancy test just to make sure she could drink since we started trying for her to get pregnant. We both know it probably seems early for everyone else but we both know that the other is it. She's all I want for the rest of my life. The test comes back negative I can already tell when she came out of the bathroom with the same sad face she does every time. I just kiss her and tell her we have our whole lives ahead to try for one. After that it didn't get brought up so at our reception we both had a couple drinks. Everyone danced and had a good time. We couldn't have imagined it to go better than it did. We decided we would just take off work for our honeymoon and go on an actual vacation later. So after everyone says goodbye we are on our way home.

We drive past the same lake we do every day but this time Clarke tells me to stop. I give her a questioning look but she just smiles and I can't say no to that. So we get out of the car and walk the shoreline like we did on vacation. The moon is bright like it was the night I proposed. We stop walking and just watch the water for a while. Clarke leans her head on my shoulder and says "I love you so much Lex" it's not the first or the last time she will say that but every time she says it I can help but smile. "I love you to Clarke" I say back. She turns to me with a big smile "I have a gift for you" "Clarke we agreed no gifts" "it's more like your gift to me but here" she hands me three pregnancy test and there all positive. I pick her up in a big hug as she laughs. "But I thought it was negative, you had a drink at the wedding" she just smiles back "no I didn't my mom got me a non alcoholic one. I wanted all our special dates to be on the same day. Lex two years ago you asked me to be your girlfriend. A year ago you asked me to be your fiancé and today we got married and now we are going to have a baby" I can't help but hug her again. I can't believe it "we're going to have a baby Clarke" I say with a big grin on my face "I know" she says as she cups my face and kisses me.

2 months into the pregnancy we are sitting in a room at the hospital while her mom does an ultrasound, this happens a lot because Clarke keeps saying she has a feeling something's wrong so that results in her begging Abby to scan her again. I am just talking to Clarke when Abby clears her throat "what is it is somthing wrong" Clarke says while reaching up and turning the screen so we can see it. We both look but I don't notice anything but I hear Clarke stop breathing for a second before a big smile crosses her and Abby's faces. "What" I say getting confused. "We're having twins" I just look at the screen shocked for a second before I hug Clarke and be both start crying happy tears. 

3 months later I here Clarke calling me from the kitchen. I put on my shoes as I walk over to her getting ready to go get whatever weird thing she is carving. But instead she is sitting at the counter with tears in her eyes. This happens alot too so I just walk up to her and hug her from behind since the other day she said "these babies are making me so fat you can barely hug me" I sit there and hold her for a while before she says "there isn't enough room for two babies here maybe one but not two" "then let's move" "Lex we can't just move" "why not let's go find a beautiful big house for our future 5 kids that has a nice park and school near by" "are you being serious" "why wouldn't I be" "your always so calm and know what to say" she says before turning around in my arms and smiles. I wipe the tears off her face before hugging her the best I can. Because she is right her belly is getting pretty big but in the best way possible.

The next month we move into a 4 bedroom house on the other side of town. It has a big playground on the same block with a school in walking distance. It's perfect. The four bedrooms are on the second floor along with a bathroom while the rest is on the ground floor. We set up the nursery in the room next to ours. For the first year or so they will be in the same room before we set up their separated bedrooms. The extra room is Clarkes art studio till we have another kid. Her art career is going well so far. She's sold a couple big pieces and a lot of her sketches.

A couple months later I get a call when I am at work saying that she's gone into labor. I jump up from my desk ready to leave before she even finishes her sentence. "Do you want me to meet you at the house or the hospital" she says the hospital and as I grab my coat Lincoln, Luna, and Anya all look at me waiting to see what's going on. "It's happening" I say with a big smile that they instantly mirror back before I run out of the station. After 4 hours of labor Clarke is sitting in her bed holding a baby boy and I am sitting in a chair next to her holding a little baby girl. We decided right away that we didn't want to know the gender, then the genders and we were beyond excited when they came out as a boy and girl. I picked out the name Aiden for the boy and Clarke picked Madi for the girl.

The first couple months at home was really hard with the twins but we had lots of help and eventually we got a hang of it. It got kind of hard for Clarke when I went back to work but we always found someone happy to help her out while she got used to it. I honestly think I couldn't be any happier as I look across the room at Clarke smiling down at Aiden in her arms as she rocks him to sleep as I do the same with Madi. Madi has green eyes and brown hair like me while Aiden has blond hair and blue eyes like Clarke. Everyone that has come to see them since they started to grow hair and have a distinct eye color says that we are going to have a mini Clarke and Lexa running around pretty soon. We couldn't have picked a better donor for it to have worked out this way.

Clarke Pov
When the twins turn one they can start walking on their own now and me and Lex couldn't be happier. We are starting to think about sending them to daycare while I start painting again. I love painting as a part time thing but I was thinking about maybe doing a 6 week class to become on EMT. So that would be my full time job and I could do art on the side. I know Lexa will be happy with anything I want to do but I just don't know how to bring it up. So tonight at supper as we are feeding the twins I decide to just do it. "How would you feel about me becoming an EMT" she just smiles at me with the same smile she had the first time we had actually talked at KB's. "You know I would never stop you from doing something you want to Clarke" sometimes I just can't believe how perfect this girl is. I know I don't deserve her and sometimes I catch myself staring at her when she holds the twins and I just can't believe she ever even looked at me.

A couple weeks later the twins have their first day at daycare the same day I start my class. It's hard for us to leave them with some one else for the first time but I know it's the right thing to do. They need to be with other people and not just us every day.

After the 6 week class is done I get an offer in the same city we live in which is almost unheard of for me being so new to it but apparently my teacher put in a recommendation for me saying that I already had a lot of medical knowledge along with the stuff I learned quickly during the classes.

One month into the job I think this is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Me and Lexa see each other frequently during the week while we are at work. Mostly during car crashes when cops are there to file a police report on the incident and when ambulances are there to help any of the injured. We often just smile at each other and continue with what we are doing since I am always in a rush to get the patient to a hospital. We both get picked on by our coworkers for apparently 'giving each other heart eyes' all the time. The twins are growing so much and things couldn't be going much better than they are now even though every time I think that something even better seems to happen to us.

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