Chapter Twelve

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Lexa Pov
I hear my alarm clock go off so I quickly shut it off so it doesn't wake Clarke up. Her shifts are shorter than mine. She starts work an hour after and gets off an hour before me so usually when I get up I will start to wake up the twins. I will get ready while they wake up because if I try and get them ready when they first wake up they will start crying. They definitely got they from their other mom. Once I get done getting ready I get them ready for daycare and put them in their high chairs for breakfast as I get their breakfast ready.

That's usually when Clarke wakes us and joins me in the kitchen. Today she seems a little off so I ask her if she's ok and she just says she didn't sleep well so I leave it at that. She takes over feeding the two while I put on my vest, belt, and shoes. I kiss all three of them goodbye as I leave for work. I also wish Clarke good luck at drop off which seems to being getting harder for the twins. Clarke also picks them up at the end of the day.

I go to work and see Clarke twice throughout the day since it's kind of foggy so there are multiple crashes. She still looks tired so I buy her a coffee and bring it to her station on my lunch break. But her coworker say she's out on a call so I ask him if he can tell her I brought it for her when she gets back and he says he will. I have gone out for drinks with Clarke and her coworkers a couple times so I know most of the people there. So we talk for a little bit before I have to leave.

I don't see her the rest of the day and I am relieved when I can clock out and go home. When I walk into the house I can hear both the kids crying which is weird since they are always in a good mood after getting picked up from daycare and if they aren't Clarke is good at calming them down. I look into Alden's room since it's the closest to the top of the stairs but there is no one in there. I am still getting used to it just being his room and not both of there's since it's been their shared nursery for a year and a half. I continue down the hallway to Madi's room.

When I look in I see Clarke sitting on the floor also crying leaning her back against the bed. Madi is sitting to her left side leaned into her side with her face barried in the blond hair but I can still hear her crying. Aiden is sitting on Clarke right leg hugging her also crying. "Hey guys what's wrong" I say in a calming voice as I sit down across from them and pick Aiden up off of her and set him on my lap. He immediately hugs me and continues crying. Clarke puts Madi on her lap and she does the same thing as her brother. Clarke just looks at me with pleading eyes as tears stream down her face.

"What happened" "I don't know" is all Clarke said back. I rub Aidens back and brush a hand threw his short hair. "What's wrong honey" I say to him in a calm voice. I know he won't be able to say a full sentence but maybe one word that can give me a clue but he says nothing. Eventually Clarke says "I was crying then when Madi seen and she started crying then the same with Aiden and I can't get them to stop" she said threw tears. "Why were you crying" I say to Clarke as Aiden starts to calm down and just sniffles with his face still in my shirt. "It's nothing Lex" she says as she tried to stop crying but I know it's not working. "Who wants to watch Elmo" I say and they both nod their heads so I stand up with Aiden then grab Madi and set them in front of the tv on the floor. We usually never do this but i know Clarke needs my undivided attention right now.

"What's really going on" I say as I sit next to her and she leans her head on my shoulder. "I messed up" she says as she starts crying even harder. "I messed up really bad and I don't know if I can fix it on my own" she says as she turns and hugs me putting her face in my neck. This is something all three of them do when they are upset. "It's ok Clarke we can deal with it. What happened?" I say getting a little worried but I don't let in show in my voice. "I... I... Lex I am sorry" she can barely talk as she sobs into my neck. I gently move my shoulder back so I can put my hand on her face and wipe the tears from it. "It's ok we'll fix it" she tries to talk again but can't get herself to say what happened. Now I am really scared. She won't look me in the eye for a while she just stares at the floor crying till she puts a hand in her pocket and pulls out a prescription pill bottle. Her hand is shaking really bad as she hands it to me not looking at me. I look and it's a prescription for Oxycodone. it's prescribed to a person who I've never herd of before. I open it and there's 2 pills in it.

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