Chapter Eight

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This got messed up so go read
Chapter Seven (part two) before this one

Abby Pov
I am about half way through my twelve hour shift when I hear over the intercom "Dr. griffin to the ambulance bay Dr.Griffin to the ambulance bay" my pager goes off at the same time calling me there as well. I know it's bad when they do both so I immediately head there thinking the rest of my patients can wait. When I get down there my resident Jackson informs me there was an officer shot and they are 15 minutes out. We are both putting on gloves when a nurse behind the desk puts down the phone and says "they didn't think they could wait for a ambulance so they are on the way in a squad car" me and Jackson exchange a look. We both know this is bad and that it will probably be a long surgery.

Just then two cops cars come into the ambulance bay going faster than I thought was safely possible. The door to the first one opens and a cop covered in blood hops out and goes to open the back so I run over to that one guessing the injured cop must be in there. Jackson is behind me with a gurney and he helps the cop from before lift a lip cops body onto it. Then the other cars door opens and the driver yells to the girl that was in the back with the injured cop "stay here with Clarke and get Fin help when they are done with Lexa" I guess Fin must not be a cop because none of them are in a hurry to get him help. Based on the amount of blood on the three cops in front of me I know Fin must be badly injured too. I was assessing the girls vitals in the ambulance bay before I decide she needs to go straight to the OR. "Ok she is breathing but unresponsive. Let's move her" Me and Jackson start pushing her into the trama center.

We hear one of the cops behind us yell "no Clarke stay here" "don't touch me" the girl yells back and I immediately recognized the voice. I look up from the injected cop to see my daughter that I haven't seen in 3 years. She gets past the cop and runs to catch up with us. She ignores me and her attention is on the officer. "Lexa" she says as she cups her face in both hands walking with us now. "Lexa I am so sorry. You're going to be alright ok. You have to be alright" she has tears streaming down her face and she looks nothing like the girl I kicked out of my house two years ago. That girl had nothing on her bones she was skinny and pale. Her hair was falling out and I couldn't get her to go to treatment. I had kicked her out in an attempt for her to realize her mistakes and come back but I never seen her after that. Every time an unidentified female came into the hospital my heart would drop and I would run to check if it was her.

This girl in front of me is beautiful and healthy. You couldn't tell she ever touched any substances if you looked at her now. I wonder how long she's been clean? I get interrupted by Clarke turning to me. "Mom you have to save her please save her. I can't.. I can't without her you have to save her." She says through sobs. She is interrupted when Lexa grabs for her hand but can't quite get to it. I am guessing her vision is blurry from the blood loss. Clarke instantly grand her hand and leans closer to her. She lifts her free hand to move the hair from Lexa's face while she says the best she can while crying "Lexa your going to be ok, please be ok" the cop doesn't respond before her eyes go shut again.

We reach the OR entrance and I tell Jackson to keep Clarke back and to go assign someone to the other patient but not to scrub in. He needed to stay with Clarke. While the anesthesiologist starts putting her under and I scrub in I can't help but think this is going to be the most stressful surgery of my career. The list is endless she's a cop, injured in the line of duty, the whole station will be here to see her soon, and the most nerve racking one is her and Clarke must care about each other. Clarke is probably still pissed from when I kicked her out and if this girl slips through my fingers during this surgery I will probably never see her again. I push all those thoughts out of my head as I walk out of the scrub room and into the OR.

Clarke Pov (sorry we haven't had one from her in a while)
It all happened so fast I didn't have time to think about it till Jackson was pulling me away from her. "Clarke do you want to go find a change of cloths" I look down and realize I am full of blood. Her blood. "I am not leaving till I see her" I say while still crying. Jackson gives me the same sad look he used to when I was in high school and my mom first found out about what I was doing. He didn't look mad or disappointed just sad for me. He was like an uncle to me and I used to hate that look but now it gives me a sense of normalcy I haven't had since I left my moms house two years ago. Well I did once and that was when I consistently started sleeping at Lexa's house. I haven't slept in my bed since the whole Fin thing happed.

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