Chapter Six

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Lexa Pov
It has been two weeks since I slept on Clarkes floor and we still haven't got Fin. Every time Clarke sees him she texts me and I will go there or sent someone else if I am busy but every time he is gone before we get there. Me and Clarke text mostly only about Fin. She will tell me every time she sees him following her or leaves drugs somewhere for her. I truly believe that she hasn't token any of them but Lincoln's not convinced even though him and Octavia have something going on. But at least he doesn't keep saying she's an addict because that would mean he was a hypocrite.

Other than texting I have seen her on Wednesdays like usual but we haven't been able to talk even though I try to because it was busy. So I decided to ask Luna and Lincoln if they want to go to a bar tonight and they said yes. I didn't even have to suggest the one Clarke works at because they both want to go there now too. On the way there they make fun of me because they have known Raven and Octavia shorter than I have Clarke and yet they have talked to them more. I didn't tell them that I slept at her place but Raven might tell them if Clarke told her.

When we walk in I see Raven and Clarke sitting at the bar with Octavia being the only one behind the bar. Which is weird since Clarke is in uniform and she isn't. When we walk up to them Clarke jumps up and hugs me "hey Lex I missed you" "I uh missed you to Klork" this is kind of weird. Not that I am complaining but we aren't like this close. she pulls away from the probably longer than usual hug. She leaves her arms on my shoulders though still playing with my hair like she's been doing since the start of the hug. "Hey" she says with a dopey smile on her face. I smile to when I smell her breath. She is totally wasted already. "Hi" I say back with amusement clear in my voice. "Just ignore her she is already shit faced and refused to go home" Octavia says in an annoyed voice. "I am not shit faced just a little tipsy" she says while she pulls her arms off my shoulders and goes to sit down. "You can't be either of those things while you work Clarke. You're lucky I just came in for fun or you would have been fired" Clarke just waves her off and pulls out the chair next to her for me.

After I sit down we start talking about hoe out weeks went but she is mumbling so I can't understand her. Again she jumps up and almost loses her balance from how fast she does it. I hold her shoulder to steady her "we should dance, come with me" she says grabbing the hand I have on her shoulder. I just shake my head no with a big smile on my face until she gives up and drags Raven between a couple tables so they can dance on the non existent dance floor. That's when I notice Raven is also drunk but just not as bad as Clarke. My thoughts are interrupted by Octavia "something's wrong with her, she would never get drunk at work and she isn't supposed to drink while in her stage of the program" I look away from them dancing at a concerned Octavia. "Also Raven said she herd something coming from her apartment last night but she refused to open the door and also told her to go to KB's by herself and that she would catch up later. Which never happens"

Octavia's eyes drift away from me and I follow her line of sight to see Clarke and another blond dancing while Raven walks back to us. "And then there's Nyla." She's cut off by Raven saying "this is worse than we thought" I am confused until Octavia continues. "Clarke will kill me if she finds out I told you this but Nyla went to a high school near ours and always hung out with kids from ours and has been in love with Clarke since freshman year. But the problem is that Clarke only sleeps with her or gives her attention when somethings going on. Nyla's an escape from reality for Clarke but she's been just kind off blowing her off since four months after she quit." I feel a little bit of jealousy when I hear that Clarkes been sleeping with this girl since she was in high school.

"Ok someone needs to stop this Nyla was just accepting that she needs to move on" Raven says and I am confused again till I turn and see them dancing rather close together. "Ray you do it I am working" Octavia says "No O she has been sleeping on my floor for weeks. Can I just have this night to relax" Raven wines back to her. I feel bad for Clarke that her friends are fighting over who has to take care of her. I also feel like it's my fault that she is so scared of Fin that she sleeps on Ravens floor. "I'll do it" I say as I get up. I walk over to them and Clarkes arms quickly fall off of Nyla and find their way around my waist. I can see the pain in Nylas eyes and I genuinely feel bad for her. "Klork I think you should sit down and have some water" Nyla then takes a step and says "sorry I don't know she was dating someone" "no it's not like that" "oh" she says back with a little bit of hope in her eyes. "Common let's go sit down" to my surprise Clarke actually listens and follows me back where we were sitting.

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