Chapter Four

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Lexa Pov
She is silent the entire way to my house but she won't stop crying. Once we get there we sit in the car for a second before I say "Klork are you 100% sure you're comfortable with this. I don't want it to seem like I am forcing you to I just want you to stay clean" she gives me a little smile that looks forced "ya I know thanks again" ok this could be bad Lexa you are bringing and addict into your house. I am thinking about all the things that can go wrong till I look at her and see she is still looking at the floor and crying. I can practically see the mental battle she is going through right now. I don't care about what could go wrong only about the right thing to do "ok let's go" we walk into my house and I ask her if she wants to shower but she just shakes her head no so I bring her to my room and tell her she can sleep there "but where will you sleep" "I can sleep on the couch" she walks past me back to the living room.

I have an open kitchen, dining, and living room with a separate hallway that has a bed and bath room in it. She goes back and sits on the couch. What is this girl doing. "You have a nice house" "thanks" it's actually really small to everyone else but to her it probably seems a lot nicer than it is. I go back to my room and grab her a blanket and pillow since she made it clear she is staying on the coach. I give them to her and she lays down. "Do you need anything else" she shakes her head no "ok goodnight Klork" "good night Lexa" I go to walk away when I hear her talking in barley a whisper "Lexa" "hmm" "can you stay. Well can you stay till I fall asleep so I won't leave" my heart breaks again for this sweet girl in front of me who's been through so much. "Sure" I sit down on a different couch after I grab a book. She has a hard time falling asleep till an hour and a half later but I stay for another half hour just to make sure before I go to my own room and change into some shorts and a sports bra like I usually sleep in. Once I lay down I fall asleep instantly.

I wake up to my break in alarms going off so I instantly jump up and run out of the hall way to see what's happening. Clarke looks up at me then runs out of the door. Of course she tried to open it without knowing about the alarm. I don't know why but I take of in a sprint after her. She doesn't make it half way down my street till I catch her. I grab her wrist "Clarke please stop" we both come to a stop "I can't handle it anymore Lexa I thought I was fine but I am not" "hey your ok let's go back inside and talk about this" her eyes go down my body then back up again noticing what I am wearing for the first time. "Sorry" "it's ok" we start to walk back in a silence but once we get inside my house I turn around to lock the door and put the alarm back on. When I turn back towards her she steps forward and wraps her arms around me. What the fuck is happening. Ok chill out Lexa it's just a girl hugging you. I put my arms around her too. And we just stand like that for a while and I can feel her tears on my shoulder. "Thank you so much I know I am probably just a bother to you but it means so much to me" "no Clarke your not a bother I just don't want you to throw away a year of being clean" she finally pulls way from the hug and we walk back to the living room.

This time when she falls asleep I stay in the living room till morning to make sure nothing happens. At 4:30 when I would usually get up I go and get changed and go on my usual run since Clarke seem like she is pasted out. When I get back I shower and get ready for the day. I know it's wrong but I grab her phone and find Ravens number and put it in my phone. After all they live together and she must be worried when Clarke never came home from the station. I go back to the bathroom and call her. "Hello" she sounds like she didn't sleep much. "This is officer Woods and I just wanted to let you know that I have Clarke with me" "at the station, what did she do, is she clean" she immediately starts freaking out "Raven actually she's at my house. I wanted you to know since you guys live together" she takes a second before responding "oh ya ok" "no not like that, it was clear she was doing to go buy something when she left the station so I brought her back to my house in a not weird way" "is she ok" "ya she's ok but Raven do you think she will stay clean after she leaves here" "I don't know" "ok well I will have her text you when she gets up" "thanks" I go back out and start to make break fast.

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