Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten
A couple days later Clarke is all settled into my place. She has her painting stuff set up in half of the living room even though she didn't want to "intrude in my space" I just responded with "it's our space now and I insist"

A couple months later all the walls are filled with paintings and Clarke always wines to me "why do you have to hang every one of them up. That one's bad and that one's kind of bad but not as bad as that one" I just hug her from behind as she points out the paintings that she doesn't think should have been hung up. "Because Klork they are almost as beautiful as you" I say before kissing the side of her neck. She turns around and there is a light blush on her cheeks and I revel in the fact that I can still make her blush after all these months. She kisses me for a moment before saying "I still think we should take them down" I just laugh and say "well I guess you are just going to have to make new ones to replace them"

A month after that we are sitting at the table eating super when Clarke says "I have some news" she is really excited to tell me whatever this is because she had a big smile across her face and I don't think I will never not find that smile cute. "Ya what is it" I say as I smile back at her "the group leader doesn't think I need to go to meetings anymore" I get up and pick her up in a big hug "that's amazing Clarke. I am so proud of you" I say as I set her back down. She looks up and me still smiling, she kisses me before she says "she says that we both need to agree I am ready though because it's important we both think I am capable of handling it without any external help besides leaning on you a little if I need too" "do you think you can handle it" she just nods "ok then I think you can but just always remember you can always tell me if anything's ever going on" we kiss once more before siting down to finish our super. I can't wipe the smile off my face the whole time because of how proud I am off her.

That Christmas Eve I worked in the morning while Clarke had brunch with her mom. I am so glad they could fix their relationship and move past there past before it was to late. I told her I got off an hour later than I did so I had time to swing past Lunas and grab Clarkes gift. In reality she's the only one of my siblings I trusted with it. "Clarkes either gonna love you or hate you at first and then get to love you later" I say to the little golden retriever puppy sitting in my passenger seat as I drive back to our house. When I pull in I put the little red collar that I tied a bow to earlier onto the puppy. I didn't name it yet because I am sure Clarke will come up with some name I never would have thought of but it will still be perfect. I pick it up and walk inside. Her and her mom are sitting at the table. Clarke had her back turned to me and I watch as the smile spreads across Abby's face. Clarke is too busy talking with her mom about her upcoming art show to realize the smile on her moms face or that I am home early. All she says is "hey Lex" when she hears me walk in I say hi back before sitting down next to her with the dog in my lap. She is still to involved in the conversation to realize. I laugh when she leans over and gives me a kiss and goes back to the conversation without noticing. "What are you two laughing at she says" she turns to look at me and her face lights up when she finally notices. "Oh my gosh you are so cute" she says grabbing the dog from my lap. I lean in to hug her and say "merry Christmas baby" into her ear "wait he's ours" she basically yells. I just laugh "who did you think he belonged to" "I don't know Luna or something" I laugh again at the fact that we both only trust Luna with a dog. "Wait does he have a name yet" I just shake my head no still smiling at how cute the pair are together. "Can we name him Picasso" "what ever you want Klork he's yours" she just smiles and continues playing with Picasso completely forgetting the conversation she was so invested in a minute ago.

When winter starts to melt into spring we take an almost fully grown Picasso on daily walks to a park nearby our house. We trained him well so he can run around and play while we sit on the same bench every day and people watch. Clarke leans her head on my shoulder for a while before saying "do you want kids some day?" It was kind of out of the blue but we have been together for almost a year so we probably should have talked about it already. "Ya some day" "how many" she asks. I can tell in her voice she is getting excited. "As many as you want, I would be happy with whatever. I would prefer we have at least one but if you decide you don't want to that's something I could except" "we will have at least one but no more five" my heart skips a beat when the conversation turns from having kids one day to having kids with me one day. I know I switched it first but hearing it from her just makes me so happy, but 5 is a lot. It's nothing we couldn't handle if that's what she wanted though. "5?" I say in a teasing voice "why not 6" she laughs for a second before saying "I know you want a big family but I am cutting you off at 5 that's plenty" "like I said Clarke however many you want. If your happy I'll be happy" we sit in silence for a while before she says "would you rather adopt or get a sperm donor and do the thing where they take your eggs and put them in me or whatever" "bold of you to assume you would be the one carrying the baby" I say still teasing her. "Ok but seriously Lexa?" "It would make the most sense for you to be the one carrying the baby because of my job, only if you wanted to of course and I would also be open to adopting. What about you" "I think I would be happy with anything if I get to raise a kid with you Lex" we sit quietly for a while before I say "we should go on a trip for our anniversary" "ya like to where" "where have you always wanted to go" "Hawaii, my mom always said we would go there one day but her work always got in the way" "Hawaii it is then" we walk back home hand in hand with Picasso walking in front of us.

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