Chapter Five

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Lexa Pov
When I finally get off I go out to my car and dial her number and put it on speaker phone as I pull out of the station parking lot. "Hello?" Her voice comes threw the phone and she sounds almost scared. "Hey" I respond in the soft voice I find myself using with her more than I ever have before. "Lexa?" She said and she almost sounds relieved. "Hey I was just calling to see how things are going" "oh ya things are going good sorry I was just looking forward to my break earlier and it was just bad timing when you came in" "ya no problem I get it but Klork what happened that you got a black eye" there is a pause before she responds "there was a fight at the bar and I tried to stop it and got punched" that looks like more than one punch. "How are the meetings going" "they're going... good. They are very helpful" she paused in her sentence and it's not like a nervous pause it's something else. I can hear her fumbling with her keys threw the phone. "Can we just be honest with each other" "sure" she sounds distant like she isn't listening to me anymore. "Ok cause I got a phone call today saying you never went to a meeting before" "oh ya I just don't have the time" her voice sounds panicked. She can't be that stressed from me calmly calling out her lie. "Are you talking to that fucking cop" I hear threw the phone. "No it's Octavia, why are you here can you just leave me alone for once" What the fuck is happening. "Klork are you ok" I ask kind of worried now. "Don't answer that princess or you won't only be begging for drugs and not the way you used to either" as soon as he says princess I know who he is.

"Klork where are you" she quickly says "my apartment" before I hear a struggle threw the phone a then someone hangs up. I do an illegal u turn and speed all the way to her apartment. I remember from looking over a sheet I had to sign that she filled out at the treatment center. I didn't try to remember but it just happened but now I am thankful it did. I get out and start running up the steps glancing down the hallway looking for anything that might show she lives there till I get to floor three. I immediately hear a struggle when I get to that floor. I unholster my weapon and point it at the ground as I run down the hallway towards the noise.

The door is already slightly open and I push it open the rest of the way and step in to see Clarke sitting on the ground against the wall. She has her knees up with her head down and her hands over her ears she keeps repeating "please stop fin" over and over again as he towers over her looking please with a little bag in his hand. "Put your hands up and step back from the girl" he puts his hands up and takes a step back but is still staring down at her. She seems to not have noticed a thing I said and Is still sitting there with her ears covered repeating"please stop fin" like a mantra. Fin probly still thinks she can hear him as he says "wow Clarke is this your new whore. Fucking cops to get what you want is low even for you" she doesn't notice he is talking to her. "Take another step back and turn around to face me" I say to Fin and he does just that before sprinting past me and out the door. I let him run because I know I could have him in a cell by tomorrow if I wanted. But manly because my focus is set on this broken girl on the floor in front on me. I go shut and lock her door before putting my weapon away and kneeling next to her.

I say her name a couple times but she doesn't respond so I gently set my hand on her knee to get her attention. All she does is flinch and keep her eyes closed repeating the same words. I start making circles with my thumb and brush some hair out of her face with the other. Hoping that she notices fin wouldn't be this gentle with her. She eventually does and slowly opens her eyes. She jumps forward when she sees it's me and holds me in a tight hug nocking us both backwards. When I fall back into the floor she lands on top of me but still doesn't let go. I hold her back equally as tight and whisper your ok and you're safe to her repeatedly. She just says thank you and we stay like that for what seems like an hour but I am not complaining.

When she finally loosens her grip on me I notice her steady breathing. She fell asleep on me. I lay there with her sleeping on me for another hour before I slowly get up and pick Clarke up with me. I quietly walk threw the apartment till I find her room. I slowly set her down on the bed. I take her shoes off and cover her up and right when I am about to leave "Lexa can you stay" "ya I can sleep in the living room" "no I mean can you stay in here in case he comes back" "sure" I say as I lie on the ground. I wait till I hear her breathing even back out before I close my eyes and fall asleep almost instantly.

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