Chapter Three

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Clarke Pov
"Just the three lovely ladies I have been looking for. It's been a while hasn't it" I take a step back and so does Raven on the other side of the bar. Octavia stays strong for all of us "Fin order a drink or leave. It's been awhile on purpose" he pretends to look hurt. "Oh come on you three were my biggest buyers back in the day" I look at Woods siblings and they are all staring at him on high alert. I think that this will be the day all three of us and Fin are going to end up in the back of a cop care for illegal drugs if he doesn't lay off. "Seriously you guys were always up for a good time anything I had to offer you guys were up for it weed, prescription, ecstasy, LSD" I can't take it anymore "stop Fin please" I say with tears threatening to fall thinking about all the things he probably has on him right now I could have. "Where was I oh coke" he pulls a little bag with white powder out of his pocket "that was always your favorite wasn't it princess" I look down at the bar trying to avoid it "you always did have a rough life Clarke. I don't even blame you for wanting it. Wanting the euphoria it giv" "Fin stop please I am begging you to leave" "Oh princess you used to be begging for something else and I am not taking about drugs now" just keep looking at the bar Clarke you will be fine just keep looking at the bar. "Fin I am clean I have been for over a year we all have so can you please just leave us alone" "ya but you three have and always will be my favorites so here's some... free samples" I glance over and all three of us are staring at the bar avoiding the little bag in his hand. "Coke for Clarke" he says as he throws the bag onto the bar in front of where I am looking he does the same to the other two with there drug of choice but I am not really paying attention as I stare at the little bag in front of me. I notice a little commotion as Lincoln handcuffs Fin I guess him actually giving us the drugs is what they were waiting for. The whole world seems to go blank around me as I stare at the little bag in front of me. It's enough to get me high two times. Maybe that's all I want it just two times. That won't hurt will it, I can do it twice and still get my life on track. I hear someone say my name but I don't really comprehend it till someone grabs the little bag from in front of me covering it with their hand is when I notice Octavia slightly shaking my shoulders. I look up Ray, O, and Lexa are all staring at me. I look out the window when lights catch my eye. I see Luna and Lincoln putting Fin in a cop car. I look down again and see Lexa's hand on top of the bag but I still know the bag is there and that's the problem. She slowly pulls her hand away and slips the bag into her pocket. "Klork are you ok" she asks "hmm" I say still staring at her pocket. Octavia tips my head up so I am not looking at her pocket anymore. "Are you ok" Lexa asks again. "Yep" I say as tears start to fall down my face again. I look over and Raven is still staring at the bag of opioids laying on the bar in front of her. I grab them quickly and she looks up and starts crying. Octavia seems to be the only one not affected by the drugs she was given even though she quit more recently than we did. "Klork can I have those" Lexa says gently pointing to the bag in my hand. I reach a shaky hand out to her and slowly hand it to her. "Thank you" she says as she grabs the other bag. All three of us stand there staring at the ground not knowing what to do now that most of the bar had cleared out since the police showed up.

"Sorry but can you girls come down to the station to answer some questions" Lincoln says. I nod my head and the world seems to be in slow motion as we get in the back of a car Lexa and Lincoln are driving. We get set in separate rooms and shortly after Lexa comes into mine and sits across from me. She says something but I don't hear it. All I can think about is the baggie he gave me. How I could go to a certain spot in our old neighborhood and I could buy anything I want. All I really want right now is the powder Fin had showed me earlier.

"Klork" I don't answer because all I can think about is which place I am going to go to buy something as soon as I get out of here. "Klork" "sorry what" I say finally realizing she is trying to talk to me. "Are you ok" "ya I am fine" "are you sure" "yep" "ok you don't have to answer any questions if you don't want to, but we are going to get started. How do you know Fin Collins" "Umm we went to high school together" "when did you start interacting with him" "my freshman year in high school he started talking to me" "Klork is it ok if you just tell me the whole story of how you got to the point of him giving you drugs" "me and Raven started hanging out with him and his friends. They were know for not doing good things but we thought it's fine because we'll say no but first it started out as he would bring us to parties but would only give us alcohol then just alcohol and weed. We started hanging out with his friends and one night I got drunk and we um slept together. Then a couple nights later he wanted me to try LSD but I said no that I didn't want to. He then said that he was going to tell everyone I slept with him because at the time I was dating a boy named Bellamy. I wasn't even sure that I did sleep with him because I didn't remember but he had a picture of me without any cloths on in his bed so I don't know what happened but I knew what looked like had happened so I took it and it just went downhill from there and then he said he couldn't keep giving it to me so I had to start buying it and that's how it went for 4 years till it got to the point that me and Ray didn't have anywhere to live so we were just sleeping wherever we could around town and it was like that for a year till me and Raven decided to get clean then a couple months later so did Octavia and we were doing fine till the bar tonight" now I will never have a chance, she must think I am a mess and just some garbage that lived on the streets in the bad part of town. Working at a shitty fast food place and a bar trying to give myself the allusion that I will make it out of the whole I dug because that's how I see myself. But when I look up she seems very understanding. She puts a hand on mine and says "thanks for telling me that Klork I know that's a hard thing to talk about" I stop crying for the first time since this whole mess started. "Is it ok if I go talk to some people and come back in a minute". I nod and she gets up and leaves.

Lexa Pov
I go out to talk to Luna and Lincoln and the same thing happened to both of them but just with different men. They all were just drinking like teenagers do and then when they woke up there was a picture of them naked in someone's bed with no memory of what happened. Then it was used to force them to try drugs and eventually they stoped giving it to them and they had to start paying for it. Octavia is the only one who didn't end up on the street because Bellamy her brother was paying for her drugs after she almost lost her apartment after there parents kicked her out just like Clarke and Ravens did. And the boys they were dating were also involved in the entire thing too so Bellamy was only dating Clarke so they could make her think that she cheated on him with Fin which is honestly so sickening. "So who thinks the druggies in rooms 2, 3, and 4 are going to leave here and immediately start looking for there next fix" I turn around and see Quint looking smug as ever. "Quint they aren't druggies they are recovering drug addicted that where pressured into something that they didn't want to do" I am already pissed but when he starts laughing it almost pushes me over the edge "a druggies a druggie" he says looking at me now "and the chief looked over your guys notes so you can let them leave" I turned to Luna and Lincoln "do you think they are actually going to go look for drugs when they leave here" Lincoln confidently says "no, Octavia will be fine she seems to have a hold on her situation" Luna says the same about Raven but I can't get the image of Clarke staring at that bag when it was in his hand then how hard she tried to look away but once he gave it to her all she did was stare at it till I took it then she stared at my pocket. She was in a complete daze till after I started questioning her. She also didn't stop crying till way into us talking about it. She definitely doesn't have a hold on her situation.

"Lex you have to let her go. Don't beat yourself up about it we can't help everyone." I look up at Lincoln "ya but what if she does go and get drugs. She had been clean for over a year" then Luna chimes in "she says she been clean for a year" "ya she does so that means she is" I get offended slightly but understand when Lincoln chooses Lunas side "Lexa I am sorry but you can't trust an addict no matter what they say" "ya your right. I will go talk to her and then go home. You guys have a good night" they both say goodnight as I walk away.

I walk in and see her sitting in the same spot I left her staring at one spot on the table with tears falling down her face. Ok she doesn't have a hold on her situation. If I let her leave she definitely won't be clean tomorrow. "Klork" she doesn't look up so I say her name again and she looks up at me with so much pain in her eyes it hurts me. "I am going to ask you a question as s person who cares about you and not a cop. So please answer truthfully. Can you do that?" She says ya so I ask her a question that could get me fired if I don't tell someone higher above me the answer to. "Are you going to buy drugs when you leave here?" She looks at me and more tears fall down her face "I don't know" she says in barely a whisper "do you know where you are going to go to buy them if you want to?" She looks down and says yes in an almost inaudible voice.

"Ok come on you can leave. Octavia and Raven left a while ago so I can drive you home if you want" she stands up and follows me to my car with out saying anything. I open the passenger door for her and she gets in before I close it. As I walk around to the driver side I think to myself what the hell are you doing Lexa. But I get in anyway. "Where's home Klork" she doesn't answer and I look over to see her staring at the floor boards. I put a hand on the outside of her knee to get her attention and she looks up at me. "Klork where's your apartment" she just looks at me for a while before saying "I am scared Lexa" my heart breaks for this sweet girl in front of me she's only 21 but she's seen things no one her age should have. "What are you scared of" I ask in the softest voice I can muster up. "That as soon as I get out of this car I am going to go to my old dealers house" I know I can seriously get fired for this but I can't just drop her off knowing what she is going to go. "Klork do you want to come with me to my place for the night maybe you will feel differently in the morning" she looks back up at me asking with her eyes if I am being serious before saying "thank you" so I start driving to my house.

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