Act 3: 35115

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Do they change or do they grow,

Like pecan or oak

sprouting from their soil in every which-a-way,

But at the root fundamentally unchanged?

I didn't change, but I am not the same

As who I used to be.


I believe, are conceived in the womb.

We carry them around like birthmarks.

Sometimes in whispers, sometimes out loud;

Proud and too proud.

Dreams, I believe,

Are the DNA of our souls.


truth be told(iii)

"Never fall in love with reckless abandonment." - 35115


Roots, Thorns, and Vines

Here I am in borrowed shoes yelling 'bout what is and ain't mine.

I don't got a lot but what little I did have I was willing to share.

You didn't have to steal.

I kept my hopes and dreams in a Ziploc bag underneath my mattress on the left hand side,

Like love on a two way street, success is hard to find.

Look at me, just look at me!

Here I am thinking that my hardest struggle was being the rose that grew out of the concrete,

But heavy traffic on an inter-city street left me just roots, thorns, and vines....

And who wants a rose with no petals.

I don't get too many admirers, think less "visitors" and more "passer-byers".

All these should've, could've, would've invitations leave me constantly craving.

("Will I ever be the one?").

I've never had the pleasure of falling in love.

I've been tripped and shoved before but never have I ever just fallen, like a single leaf floating through the open breeze onto the softest of grass.

See, I'm afraid of heights so I never let my hopes get too high,

but I really thought maybe this time I'd be lucky.

Silly ole me and my silly ole dreams!

My imagination has gotten the best of me, again.

So if you can, please forgive me for thinking you could ever be the hand that would pluck me from the weeds.


P. O. E. M

Serial Killers, I use to be deathly afraid of serial killers;

When I was little, when I mean little, I mean as little as anyone could be at 23.

I used to watch a lot of scary things.

Chasing my dreams at full speed led me head first, ass last, straight into the ceiling.

So broken-hearted I could laugh,

I found nothing for me there but bloody glass and smudged fingerprints.

Some people think I've cracked, and so do I

But the ringing in my ears tells me I'll survive.

Jeggin', vibin', strivin', I will do more than just simply survive this.

In spite of you, I will fly too.


10pm Letter to God

I don't want to die and I don't want to live, no more.

I don't want to live a lie, no more.

I wish I could see myself through your eyes,

dear Lord.

Dear, Lord grant me the strength.

I've tried to live and tried to die,

And I've lost the will to do either.

If I could save myself, I would save myself.

I want to ask for help but my teeth and my tongue just won't get along and,

My lips are sealed.

I'm covered in scars that I won't let heal.

I am the killer and the kill.

I'm so tired of being me.

I don't like me.

I go to sleep with me.

I wake up with me.

I don't want to be me.

If I was someone else I'd wish to never know me.

If I had a choice in who I got to be, I certainly wouldn't choose to be me.


Holy War

I'm at the edge of a dream, trying my hardest to see if I take this leap of faith...

will I fail or will I succeed.

I'm in God's hands, so this must be God's plans.

It's just Them, why can't I trust Them?

I prayed and I listened.

I prayed and I listened.

I got on my knees and I prayed and I listened.

Is this it?

Could this be,

A gift too good for me?

I prayed and I was heard, every whispered word.

They delivered sweet blessings.

They're blessing me, Their blessing is all I need...

All over me,




Page after page,

Decade through decade

Of knowledge;

Bred into me braid after braid.

Bought and paid through the slave trade;

Taught to me by Kings and Queens,

Overworked and under praised,

My God given name.

I would be insane to be ashamed

Of the gift they gave,


Generations of inspiration,

Weak in the knees I breathe admiration.

Words Heard Across the Street from Avondale ParkWhere stories live. Discover now