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Age:- 24
Handsome, Billionaire
Next CEO Of Gill Enterprise ..
Still In College, Last Year But Also Handle His Father's Business..
Everyone Is Scared Of Him & Noone Even Dare To Look At His Eyes ..
Hobbies:- Cricket & Singing
Loves His Dad & His Friends But He Has A Very Beautiful Secret That Noone Knows Except His Bestfriend & Cousin Kl Rahul ..

Hobbies:- Cricket & Singing Loves His Dad & His Friends But He Has A Very Beautiful Secret That Noone Knows Except His Bestfriend & Cousin Kl Rahul

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Age:- 21
From Not So Rich Family..
A College Student
Cute Bubbly Boy, Everyone Adores Him..
Hobbies:- Cricket & Dancing
Loves His Mom More Than His Life ..
Very Concentrate On His Future
But He Didn't Know What Is Waiting For Him !! ..

Very Concentrate On His Future But He Didn't Know What Is Waiting For Him !!

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Shubman's Best Friend & Cousin ..
He Connected With a Dectective Agent & His Father is An Police Officer
Also BestFriend of Hardik & Shardul .. Loves Him Like His Own Brother ..

 Loves Him Like His Own Brother

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Shubman, Kl Rahul & Shardul's Bestfriend .. & Loves Them Like His Own Brothers ..

 & Loves Them Like His Own Brothers

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Shubman, Kl Rahul & Hardik's Bestfriend .. & Loves Them Like His Own Brothers

(They're Almost Same Age As Shubman, Also Last Year Students)

(They're Almost Same Age As Shubman, Also Last Year Students)

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Supporting Character (Not Anyone's Gf or Ex)

Shubman's Father, 49
CEO Of Gill Enterprise
Loves His Son Soo Much
Soon To Gets Married

Mrs. Kishan
Ishan's Mother, 43
Loves His Son More Than Her Life
Soon To Gets Married

(If I Wants To Add Any Character Than I Will Add Middle of The Story)

**Thank You**
Hope U Like This Story 😊🙏

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