**CHAPTER 12**

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(WARNING : Explicit Contents, Mature Content ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️)


"Ishan Already Came Home .. Than About To Went Upstairs.. His Mom Called"

Ishu's Mom:- Ishan Shub Was Looking For You .. You Met Him In College?? ..

Ishan:- No Mom, We Haven't Met .. I Was Busy In Classes Soo .. Than I Go & Change *He Went Upstairs Towards His Room*

*Than Ishan Went Inside His Room .. & He Is Soo Lost In His Thought That He Forget To Lock His Room & Went Towards His Dressing Room To Change*

*Than Shubman Also Came In Home & Went Inside The House.. & His Blood Is Boiling In Possessiveness*

Shub:- Aunty Where Is Ishan .. He Came Home Right?

Ishu's Mom:- Ohh Ishan .. Yes, He Went To His Room For Change Just 10 Minutes Ago *Smiled*

Shub:- Ohkk .. *That He Hurriedly Went Towards His Room*

"Than He About To Knocked But Saw It's Already Opened.. So Went Inside The Room & Locked From Inside.. Than He Looked Towards The Dressing Room With Dark Angry Eyes & Went Towards That Room"

*Ishan Is Now Infront Of The Mirror Changing & Now He Is With Just A Black Short & About To Wear The T-shirt.. Than He Heard The Dressing Room Door Opend & He Turned Around Saw It's Shubman.. & His Eyes Gets Wide Than He Hurriedly Covered His Upper Naked Body With The t-shirt With His Both Hand*

Ishan:- What R U Doing? .. Go Outside .. *Said Without Looking At Him*

Shub:- What If I Don't Than? *Said With His Deep Voice While Looking At Ishan Darkly*

Ishan:- What ? I am Changing.. Just Go Outside *Said Little Irritatedly*

Shub:- Soo *Raised His Eyebrows*

Ishan:- R U Lost You Mind Haa? *Said Little Angrily*

Shub:- Yes *Said While Clinched His Jaw*

*Than Ishan Is About To Say Something But He Saw Instead of Going Out Shub Locked The Dressing Room's Door From Inside Than Looked At Him Darkly & Coming Towards Him With His Dark Intense Gaze .. Ishan Eyes Gets Wide Shocked & He Gulped*

Ishan:- What.. Don't Shubman Just Don't *Than He Backing Away & His Back Hit The Mirror*

"Shubman Came Infront Of Him & Ishan Avoiding His Dark Eyes Bcz He Got Little Scared.. Than He Is About To Leave From There .. Shubman Hold His Hand Harsly Than Pinned His Both Hands Above His Hand & The T-shirt Fell Down On The Floor & His Upper Body All Apparent Infront Of Shubman Intense Eyes .. & Ishan Got Startled & Gasped .. & His Entire Face Turned Red With Embarrassment .. & He Started Breathing Heavily .. Than Shubman Eyed Him Head To Toe From His Naked Upper Body To His Legs .. Than Look Into Ishan's Soft Eyes With a Little Smirk .. Ishan's Started Struggling & Avoiding Shub's Gaze"

Ishan:- Stop Looking At Me Like That & Leave My Hand *Trying To Release His Hand But The Grip Is So Hard Bcz Shubman Is Obviously Stronger Than Ishan*

Shub:- Why did U Ignore My Calls ? *Said With His Raspy Voice*

Ishan:- I Didn't See When You Called.. I Was Busy In Classes & Leave My Hand *Still Struggling In Shub's Hard Grip*

"Than Shub Moved Closed To His Face & Ishan's Heart Started Beating Fastly Than He Closed His Eyes"

Shub:- Really? .. But I Saw You Ignored My Call When You Were Talking With That Mayank *Said With His Cold Raspy Voice & Gritted His Teeth*

My Rude Step-Brother || Shubish/Ishman FFWhere stories live. Discover now