**CHAPTER 16**

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"Shub Right Now In His Car & Calling Ishan Constantly But It's Saying Not Reachable & He Is Getting Impatience & In Mind *Kitten Please Be Strong, Your Shubi Is Coming .. Please Don't Scared, You R My Strong Baccha* .. & His Heart Is Rasing Fastly.. Than He Reached In The College .. & It Took Him Just 10 Minutes For a 20-25 Minutes Road .. & He Saw There Is So Many Media & Filled With Cameras & He Clinched His Fist .. But He Fastly Came Out From His Car Than Went Inside The College With Guards & Police Helps .. & Than He Met Rahul In There & Ran Towards Him"

Shub:- Rahul .. Where Is Kitten? *Asked Worriedly & He is Breathing Heavily*

Rahul:- We R Trying To Find Him .. Relax Shub .. *Said Nervously While Patted His Shoulder*

Shun:- What? .. What Do u Mean By Trying To Find Him? .. Where Is My Kitten ? .. *Screamed Slightly In Frustration*

Rahul:- Ohkk Calm Down.. He Is ..

"Than Shub Saw Aditi & Went Towards Her Hurriedly"

Shub:- Aditi Where Is Ishan ? *Asked Angrily*

"Than Aditi Explained Shub Everything.. & Shubman Clinched His Fist .. & Eyes Grow Dark & Without Wasting Any Sec He Ran From There & Went Towards The College's Backyard"

Rahul:- Shub .. Shubman *But Shub Already Left From There & He Followed Him Behind*

"Police Also Trying To Find Him Everywhere.. Shub Went The Backyard.. & Started Screaming Ishan's Name But No One Is Paying & He Running Here To There In All Around The Backyard But Couldn't Found Him .. Shub Just Groaned In Pain *Arghhh* .. Than He Went Inside The College .. Now He Is Finding Him Every Room In 1st Floor But There Is Noone & He Went Towards the Bathroom .. Went Inside.. Also There Is Noone & He Keep Calling Ishan Constantly But Still It's Not Reachable"

**Author's Pov**

*Ishan In That Room .. Sitting In The Corner While Holding His Knees Infront Of his chest .. & Trembling in Fear While Sobbing Hard .. His Cheeks all Red .. His Eyes Are Swollen & Those Words & Lines Screaming Inside His Ears .. & He Closed His Eyes & Covered His ears With His Hand & Whispering Softly in Himself*

Ishan:- I'm.. I'm Not Who .. Whore, I.. I Didn't do .. An ..anything.. I'm N.. Not .. *Keep Chanting Same Lines to Himself & Crying Messily*

"And With Shubman .. He Is Right Now In 2nd Floor Still Screaming Ishan's Name & Searching for Him Everywhere Like a Crazy Man .. Now His Eye's Are Watering.. Tears Flowing From His Eyes .. Inside His Burning.. Eyes r Red .. He Is Angry & Frustrated So Much .. right Now He is in the 3rd Floor.. & He Met With Rahul & Went Towards Him With Hopeful Eyes"

Shub:- Found him?

Rahul:- *Sighs* .. No But Don't Worry We Will Soon .. Believe Me .. *Said Worriedly*

"Than Shubman Gritted His Teeth.. Suddenly He Hold Rahul's Coller"

Shub:- No ha No ? .. What The Hell Is Your Department Doing ? .. JUST CAN'T FIND A LITTLE BOY HAA *Screamed* .. Ohkk fine You Don't Have To I Will Find My Kitten By Myself .. I DON'T NEED YOUR FUCKING HELP *Screamed In Pain & He Pushed Rahul & Left From There*

Rahul:- *Closed His Eyes in Irritation* .. Where R U Ishu? .. Please Just Be Safe & Strong.. We Will Find You Soon .. *Tears Came To His*

"Than 2 People Came Infront Of Him"

Rahul:- Found Him? ..

Them:- No Sir ..

Rahul:- *Clinched His Jaw* .. You Don't Than Why the Hell r u Both Standing Here & Looking At me .. GO FIND HIM *Screamed*

My Rude Step-Brother || Shubish/Ishman FFWhere stories live. Discover now